Holistic Lifestyle

Sometimes living that wonderful and beneficial holistic life can sometimes seem daunting. However! The moment you resign yourself to it, you wonder why you were even thinking about the sometimes nuisance it causes. These weak moments are normal experiences and very healthy to have. Periodic evaluation is a good thing, trust me. To help do justice to that statement, I've compiled a few soul treats to make my case.

Hang Up That Hangover

Lets start with hanging out with the boys or for many of you, girlfriends. A sip, sip here, a sip, sip there and soon many of you become looser than a shoe lace. You get your ride home (a good thing) and soon you're off to dreaming things better left unsaid. The problem is when you wake up the next morning and find yourself with a severe hangover. That's right, don't play coy with me, you know who you are. The experience is enough to make you think twice about drinking again, but only think about it. Don't you wish you didn't have hangovers? Allow me to draw the curtains and allow the sunshine in. Your solution, prickly pear extract, a supplement used for centuries to dull the aftereffects of alcohol. Just take this little wonder with you and consume it before you start drinking.

Cosmetic Ingredients To Avoid

For most women, looking good far out weights the negatives, but consider this, many conventional cosmetics contain ingredients that can potentially kill you. There are roughly 200 synthetic chemicals in many of the world's cosmetic products. However, lets concentrate on three that some experts proclaim are the most dangerous. Coal tar colors, have been linked to cancer and can be found in makeup and many bodycare products. They're labeled as FD&C or D&C colors. Up next is formaldehyde, also linked to cancer but can cause respiratory irritation. This baby can be found in nail polishes, shampoos and other bodycare products. In addition, many of it's preservatives, such as DMDM hydantoin and quaternarium 15, can dissolve into formaldehyde. Finally we come to dibutyl phthalate, this bad boy has been found to cause birth defects in animals and is located in perfumes and other bodycare products.

I can see the look on your faces now with all that bad news, but wait, there's hope. Try researching some of the natural none toxic beauty products out there. They could mean the difference in preventing potential diseases festering inside you.

Walking Away

Walking is probably the oldest form of good exercise in the arena of keeping fit. Armed with a good pedometer latched on to your belt, you can take control and accurately monitor if you're getting enough of this light hearted and fun way of keeping fit. The more you move, the more you'll experience an increased energy level. Walking uplifts your mood and put you in touch with yourself. Experts recommend walking around 10,000 steps for good health. Sounds like a lot, but really isn't. The next time you're in the office trapped at your desk and feeling sluggish, try walking a little over 5,000 steps through out the day or more and notice your mood suddenly picking up along with your energy. Let the pedometer be your personal trainer in the way of telling you how much steps you've taken thus far. Around 9,000 to 10,000 steps daily will invigorate you and keep you in a fantastic mood. Not to mention the added value of continued good health.

More Resources

Sun Chlorella and the Benefit
Sun Chlorella is referred to as the Green Magician due to the amazing healing powers of sun chlorella and its benefit of chlorella. Also known as the 'Super food', sun chlorella is packed full of the benefit of chlorella! Chlorella contains the highest levels of chlorophyll of all earth's foods and has many benefits of chlorella.
The Many Advantages of Herbal Medicine
Nowadays is the era of everything that is herbal and natural. Millions of "all natural," "all herbal" health and dietary supplements are swamping the markets today.
Five Simple Steps For Treating Heel Pain
If you experience a sharp pain in your heel at the first step in the morning, chances are you have plantar fasciitis (plan * tar fash* ee * I * tis). "Plantar" means the bottom of the foot.
How To Lower Cholesterol Without Prescription Drugs
Don't accept that prescription just yet. In most cases it's possible to take control of your cholesterol naturally, without the use of prescription drugs.
Going Beyond Diffusion
Beyond DiffusionThis advanced diffusion system is designed for continuous operation and holds a full oz. bottle of essential oil.
Bladder Infections
"If you let that fiery wise blood just sit there in your belly, great granddaughter," admonishes Grandmother Growth, "you'll get the urge to quench that heat. You'll get a tickle, a twinge, an urgent call.
Cold Laser Therapy: Hope for Arthritis
Having had the rare, first-hand opportunity to observe cold laser therapy treatment in action, I am impressed at its remarkable ability to help in healing with rheumatoid arthritis.As my dad suffers from various maladies, including having a heart defibrilator.
Allergy Control: Reducing Airborne Allergens in Your Home
Those who are plagued by allergies are always struggling to diminish those irritants that cause watery eyes, runny noses and rashes that sometimes translate into full-blown hives. These and other symptoms can be brought about by a number of contaminants that infiltrate the very air that people breathe within their own homes.
Full Spectrum Daylight Bulbs - Simply Light Years Ahead!
Sunlight is a vital nutrient, which regulates the activity of the hypothalamus gland that secretes seratonin, controlling our moods, biorythms, sleep patterns, body temperature, digestion and sex drive. In addition, the photochemical action of sunlight on our skin activates the production of vital Vitamin D essential for growth and maturation of cells, the maintenance of the bones and a healthy immune system.
Healing the Elements
The Nature Elementals, most commonly known as Faeries, are the unseen guardians of the planet. As much as we would like to believe that their survival depends on our beliefs and ability to clap loud enough so as to restart their dying hearts, these energy beings have very little need for us.
Plastic Acupuncture?
Plastic Acupuncture, abbreviated as (P.Ac) is not really a new development.
Alternative Health Treatments for People Who Give Too Much
Being a modern traveler, you probably get onto an airplane these days, find your seat, pull out a paperback and tune out those all-important instructions from the flight attendant about emergency procedures. Let me refresh your memory.
Manipulate The Body And Mind With A Portable Massage Table
A portable massage table can be very essential tool. Massage therapy is a hands-on manipulation of the soft tissue and joints of the body and using a portable massage table can make giving and receiving a massage that much easier.
Exploring the Mystery of Aromatherapy Through Biotechnology
Aromatherapy originated in Ancient Egypt. About a hundred years ago, a pharmacist from France used an innovative method which led to a breakthrough in aromatherapy techniques.
Pyrethre: Pest Terminator
HistoryThe pyrethre herb is supposedly named after a famous temple in ancient Greece called Parthenon, hence the name Parthenium.In the 13th century, Welsh physicians used pellitory (pyrethre) as a remedy for toothache.
A Morning Smoothie to Help You Stop Constipation
Chronic constipation can be hard to stop or elimination, since the colon have become weak. In most cases it will have to be retrained on how to have a bowel movement.
Toxic Plastic Water Bottles
I recently received a question from one of my readers about the safety of drinking water from clear plastic water bottles. These bottles, made from Lexan polycarbonate resin (a plastic polymer), are widely used for single-serving sales to one-gallon of water in stores and home-delivery bottles.
Autism Behaviour in Childrens
Autism is a developmental disorder and the specific cause for autism is not known. It is believed that some biochemical imbalance would have caused autism and some believe that it is a psychological disorder.
Health and Anti-Aging
Some words about anti-aging and disease preventionThe aging process is for the greater part no mystery anymore. It consists for a great part of daily damages done on the macroscopic, tissue, cellular and genetic levels.
A Free Natural Medicine Which is also Your Strongest, Most Abundant, and Easiest to Use
We've all heard, haven't we, that a 40-year-old was considered elderly in the past? With America's aging population, why wouldn't we take advantage of reasons to count ourselves lucky to live beyond 40? After all, as little as 200 years ago the average life span in North America was 37 years. But the idea that anyone over 40 back then is a misinterpretation of statistical data.

More Alternative Information:

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