Manipulate The Body And Mind With A Portable Massage Table

A portable massage table can be very essential tool. Massage therapy is a hands-on manipulation of the soft tissue and joints of the body and using a portable massage table can make giving and receiving a massage that much easier. A massage offers many diverse physiological effects, which are primarily due to the therapist's hands moving over the body in a manner that affects all its systems - in particular, the muscular by decreasing muscle tension and feelings of stress; the circulatory by reducing heart rate and blood pressure; the lymphatic by improving the flow of blood and lymph fluids in the body; and the nervous by inducing the relaxation response. Most important, massage therapy helps meet the human need for the caring and affirmative touch. No wonder so many people find massage therapy so helpful in so many ways! After all, even the great Hippocrates who learnt this art from Herodicus way back in the 4th Century B.C., had advised thus in so many words when he said - "The physician must be acquainted with many things and assuredly with rubbing" (the ancient Greek and Roman term for massage).

Of the different kinds of massage therapies available, the most sought after are the Swedish massage, Vibrational Healing Massage Therapy, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Cranial Sacral Balancing, Chi Nei Tsang, and the increasingly popular Kerala Ayurvedic massage therapy.

Put your cards on the table.

Ancient Massage was essentially a floor massage. However today, as in all other spheres, technology has taken the driver's seat to produce massage tables which are not only classy and comfortable for the client, but also provides access convenience and resilience for the masseur.

Typically, a portable massage table has pairs of legs at each end, and two pairs of recessed centre legs. This system offers the advantage of carrying safe working loads of up to 300kg without any visible degree of table flex or torque so that the masseur's effort goes into his client and is not wasted by bending the table. Fibre and aluminium are increasingly used in the making of portable massage tables since these materials offer essential benefits of tenacity, durability and low weight. Exotic aluminium portable massage tables are designed to be squeak-free and come in custom sizes, adjustable height and backrest; replete with face cradle, tapered, high-resilient, foam-cushioned, sewn edges with shoulder recesses to prevent restriction of blood flow to the arms when they hang over the sides of the table. What's more, this ingenious piece of design folds just as quickly and easily into a compact carrying case! So, now you can put all your cards on the table - a portable massage table!

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