Home Remedies

Ever have a bee sting? Try rubbing an aspirin on it.Gum in hair? Soak the gum-coated hair in CokeĀ® and it should wipe out easily. While not being a replacement for medical attention, and you should always seek your doctor when you feel you have to and please take these home remedies with a grain of salt.Here you go and enjoy

Dab a small amount of toothpaste (paste, not gel) on pimples before bed; this helps dry out the pimples. Apply fresh lemon juice on the affected area overnight. Wash off with warm water next morning. For acne that hasn't seemed to respond to anything, brew 2-3 tsp. dried basil leaves in 1 cup boiling water for 10-20 minutes, cool, and apply to affected area with a cotton ball. Garlic has been used successfully in the treatment of acne. Pimples disappear without scars when rubbed with raw garlic several times a day.

Take a bag of fresh or frozen cranberries and boil them in water (they will fall apart). Cool and drink. Don't add sugar! This remedy is also useful for people with kidney problems.

Make a paste out of 1 tsp. tomato juice, 1/2 tsp. lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric powder, and 1 tsp. of flour. Apply around eyes. Leave on for 10 minutes before rinsing.

Simmer 1 cup honey and 3 cup water together slowly. Allow 1 cup of the water to evaporate. Strain off the top surface, and put the remaining liquid into a stoneware crock or dark bottle. Put a towel over it so it can breathe, yet be free of dirt. Place in a cool place. You can add cinnamon, clove, or the juice of 2 lemons, if you like.Take a glass of grapefruit and lemon juice in equal parts to dispel fatigue and general tiredness after a day's work.

Soak the gum-coated hair in Coke® and it should wipe out easily.

Apply lime juice diluted with water on bites with cotton ball.Apply one of the following to bites or stings to reduce pain and swelling:aloe Vera gel, garlic oil, baking soda and water, vinegar, honey, plantain tea, aspirin.

Eat Crackers and honey. Honey has a high source of fructose and will be helpful in removing the remainder of the alcohol in your system. Aspirin for a headache or you can chew on some willow bark, willow bark contains a substance used in aspirin and will help your headache. You can find it in a health food store if you want to try an alternative to aspirin. Plenty of water, it will help flush out the alcohol, also too much alcohol leaves the body dehydrated, so have a drink of water.

Don't lie flat on your back. Heartburn is caused by the acid in your stomach moving upward to your esophagus. Try having a bowl of rice pudding, made with milk, this should help absorb stomach acid. Coffee and chocolate can inflame heartburn, so avoid them if you can. If you heartburn is a regular problem, you should think about going to the doctor.

Rubbing liquid vitamin A on the wart everyday will eventually take it away, but it's a slow process. Use castor oil on the wart and then wrap the offending area up tightly with a bandage. Repeat this 2 times a day.

Bad Breath
Try some parsley. This food garnish is rich in chlorophyll, a green plant compound that kills the bacteria that cause bad odor.

Chapped Lips
Try using castor oil. Carry a small squeeze bottle of the oil and apply it with your finger often throughout the day. Popular lip balms contain petroleum and alcohol, both of which may dry the skin on your lips.

I'm sure this is the tip of the iceberg, but these are the ones I know of.These home remedies are in no way a replacement to a Doctors care so if you feel that you might need to see a Physician, please do so.

Submitted by Mr Andy Casasanta.

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