Water Therapy: Therapeutic and Esoteric Properties for Your Home Spa Smart Bathing

Something New Interesting About Water Therapy.

"The more I find out, the more
I find out I need to know"

Water therapy, or hydrotherapy, or balneology is a powerful natural tool you can use at your home spa.

What do you know about water therapy (hydrotherapy,balneology)? If you could choose a simple quick method in your home spa to enjoy better wellness, more energy and well-being, would you be interested in learning it ?

The good news is that this powerful tool is possible for you ?if you have a tub with hot and cold water. And if you want to open your mind to something new.

Do you know One Of the Most Powerful Wellness Tools in accordance with Nature you can use at your home spa any time? It is WATER (water therapy)!

Yes, I am talking about WATER- "this common and ordinary substance" as most the people think. Let's change this phrase to another one: water is one of the most powerful and affordable wellness tools for everyone.

And you can use with water therapy techniques many natural bath products such as bath salts, mud baths, herbal baths, thalasso baths.

Hydrotherapy (balneology, water therapy) is a therapeutic and beautiful way to use water for healing and wellness, to balance body and mind. For general home therapy for easing of stress and strains a home bath can offer many excellent benefits.

Bathing can be a very valuable, effective resource for your wellness and health.

For many years numerous scientific researches and studies have proved the following 5 (five) main therapeutic benefits of bathing:

-Bathing promotes physical and mental relaxation, rest and feeling of well-being, reduces stress.

-Warm water draws blood from the other parts of the body to the skin and muscles. Bathing increases the oxygen-rich blood circulation throughout the body to help dissolve and eliminate toxins through the skin. Bathing improves nourishment to the body. Bathing is a very smart method to increase circulation so mildly and so therapeutically.

-Bathing increases body's metabolism and helps balance body's functions.

-Bathing relieves from muscle pain and spasms.

-Bathing stimulates the immune system.

What about something esoteric?

Subscribe to Free Smart Home Spa Bathing Course at www.tonusworld.com to read:

? Why is bathing (water therapy, hydrotherapy, balneology) such a powerful tool?

? 5 main therapeutic benefits of water therapy

? Esoteric properties of water

Have a good and smart Home Spa bath!

Oleg Moskvine
Tonus World Inc.
© 2001-2004 Tonus World Inc., All Rights Reserved

Oleg Moskvine,MSc.,held the Senior Scientist position of the R&D department of Technofit cosmetic manufacturing company. He has the extensive experience in research, formulation, development, production, marketing and competitive intelligence of natural products.

Oleg has the good expertise in hydrotherapy (balneology, water therapy) treatments with water, mineral salts and mud applications. He is an author of articles about natural products, skin absorption, water therapy, cellulite treatments, body adaptation etc.

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