How To Rid Your Home Of The Nations #1 Health Menace

With today's new building procedures, our homes are more dangerous than ever before!

Scientific evidence now shows that the air inside our homes is 2-5 times more polluted than the air outside. And because we spend about 90 percent of our time inside, indoor air quality has become one of the top environmental health threats in the country.

With today's new construction practices, buildings are no longer made to breathe. Pollutants trapped inside our home can cause chronic symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, skin rashes and itchy eyes. Some pollutants may have more serious effects, including asthma and cancer.

I remember back in the 70's (when I was just a kid), in an effort to save money on energy, the public utility district was upgrading everyone's home, at their own expense.

My parents took the PUD up on this offer as well. A contractor came to our home and installed double-pane windows, more insulation (throughout our entire home), insulated all the electrical outlets, and basically did everything possible to turn our home into an air tight cocoon.

While this seemed like a good idea at the time, buildings are now made so air tight that the pollutants produced in the building accumulate and have no way to escape.

Here it is years later, and a major health concern has evolved.

Black mold!

Mold has now become a nationwide epidemic. It's now responsible for destroying the lives of thousands of unsuspecting victims. And until we find out how to control this menace, the situation is only going to get worse.

If you want to find out how to wipe out the black mold threat in your home, be sure to sign up for this upcoming no-charge, consumer awareness teleseminar.

It's called?

"The Unadulterated Truth About Black Mold: What You Don't Know Is Destroying Your Home And Your Health"

Here are just 4 of the strategies that will be revealed on the call...

1. The 5 tell-tale danger signs of black mold... any one of these puts you, your family, and your home at risk

2. How to find out if black mold is the cause of your health problems -- without a visit to the doctor's office

3. The 3-step method to locating mold... that anyone can do, without spending a fortune to hire a professional

4. Why you NEVER want to tell your insurance agent about a water damage or mold problem in your home... until you take this step first

About The Author

After showing 22,935 homeowners across America how to wipe out the mold threat in their homes, Kevin Thompson has become known as the Nations Mold Solutions Expert.

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