Herbe Fraiche Essential Oil : A Combination of Forest Essences

Herb Fraiche essential oil is derived from essential oils complex blended from plant substances such as pine, thyme and mint. The refreshing plant fragrance induces a calming effect and relieves fatigue after a long day. To over-stressed urbanites who suffer from deteriorating body functions and sleep quality, Herb Fraiche provides a soothing remedy.

The scent of Phytoncidere reminds us of our connection with Mother Nature. Urbanites who make a trip to the countryside or forest just need to take a deep breath to feel refreshed, invigorated and alive with energy! When one's emotions are enhanced, one would also feel at ease in body and mind. Phytoncidere originally meant "the defence system of plants". From a wider perspective, Phytoncidere can be extracted from any plant. However, as plants with needle-shaped leaves have purer and wider concentrations of Phytoncidere, they have come to stand for all plants where Phytoncidere is concerned.

Bel'Air Herb Fraiche essential oil not only provides the Phytoncidere of pine, thyme and mint to relieve fatigue and stress, it also contains a special formula of Herb Fraiche which can alleviate insomnia, resulting in better sleep. You can also use the aromatherapy of Herb Fraiche essential oil in the bedroom, dining room and living room.


History In the days of ancient Egyptian, Greek and Arabian civilisations, pine was already recognised for its therapeutic functions, especially pertaining to lung diseases such as bronchitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia. Pine was also used in religious ceremonies, with its simplest form being an absorbent. People are also drawn to places with bountiful pine trees, as the air in these places is a good remedy for the lungs.


There are about 80 kinds of pine trees, mostly with slightly red barks, greyish-green needle-shaped leaves and orange flowers. They usually grow to 40 meters in height. Essential oils can be extracted from various kinds of pine trees but the further north the pine tree is grown, the better the quality of essential oil extracted. The essential oil is distilled from the extractions of the needle-shaped leaves, tender branches or fruit of the pine tree, giving a light yellow hue and a strong and refreshing pine resin fragrance.

Health Notes

Refreshes the spirit when one is weak or exhausted. To those inflicted with bronchitis, throat inflammation or influenza, pine essential oil has a detoxifying function, possessing both warming and cooling qualities to suit the needs of the body. Generally, pine essential oil is able to relieve respiratory diseases, clearing up paranasal sinus to allow for smoother breathing. It also aids in the digestive system, especially where intestinal diseases are concerned. Pine essential oil is also used as an insect repellent. In fact, it is commonly believed that flea eggs are unable to withstand the fragrance of pine essential oil.

Bel'Air Aromatherapy Effects: Regulates digestive channel functions



The usage of thyme has a long history in classical music. It comes from the Greek word "Thynios", which means "to scent". At the Greek altar abundant with deities, thyme grass was burnt to allow the fragrance to be dispersed. Legend has it that this plant was from the tears of Helen of Troy. Perhaps due to its preservative functions, ancient Egyptians believed that it could be used to preserve corpses. At the end of the Middle Ages, its detoxifying functions even played an important role in the judiciary system, with the judges sniffing at tender branches grown with thyme grass before they entered court to prevent infectious diseases.


With a history of more than 2000 years, thyme can be found in abundance along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and Europe. The numerous kinds of thyme grass evolved from the most primitive wild thyme grass. Thyme has a stem which measures 8 inches in height, with oval-shaped greyish-green leaves and flowers in shades of white, lavender or pink. It is rich in thiamine, B group vitamins, vitamins C and D and many kinds of trace minerals. People often use thyme as a seasoning or manufacture it into flower tea and essential oil.

Health Notes

According to records on herbs, thyme has preservative functions and is able to kill germs. Besides these, it can also soothe pain, alleviate heat, calm nerves, strengthen the nervous system, enhance memory and concentration, invigorates the spirit when one is fatigued and uplift emotions. Thyme essential oil can be used to treat cold and raise low blood pressure, thus showing its benefits for the circulatory system. For the digestive system, it can help to reduce bloating which occurs as a result of indigestion.

Bel'Air Aromatherapy Effects: Reduce air infection, soothe emotions



The word "mint" was said to originate from a young lady by the name of "Minthe". When the wife of the King of Hades discovered Minthe in his arms, she was changed into the mint herb. Romans have been using mint a few thousand years ago to treat problems related to the digestive channel. England was the first country to cultivate mint, with Hertfordshire being the largest manufacturer in 1969.


Mint originated from the Mediterranean Sea and Western Asia. Currently, it is dispersed across all temperate zones in the world, with America being the country that manufactures the largest amount of mint essential oil. Mint comes in many species such as water mint, horseshoe mint, perfume mint, etc. The characteristics of mint lie in its squarish stem and leaves that grow in mirror images, both of which have oil contents. When mint blooms in summer, the flowers range from purple to white in colour and they will whither together with the roots come winter season.

Health Notes

Mint essential oil is very helpful for the digestive system. Due to its ability to combat convulsions, it is able to soothe the smooth muscles in the intestine and stomach and can therefore treat various illnesses related to the digestive system. At the same time, mint essential oil can also be used in the nervous system to mediate and pacify. For illnesses related to the respiratory channel, mint can activate its warming and stimulating characteristics to invigorate emotions, warm the body and aid in symptoms such as flu, sneezing, mucus and fever. Bel'Air Aromatherapy Functions: Soothe emotions, relieve fatigue.

More Resources

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