Crystal/Gemstone Therapy

Using crystals in the context of healing has a very long history (primitive paintings dating back to 25,000 BC). Evidence shows that the ancient Egyptians used crystals for therapeutic purposes. Lapis Lazuli, a beautiful blue stone with freckles of "Fools Gold" Pyrite, was ground down and rubbed onto the eyelids to prevent eye infections from the sandy deserts, is one such example. Blue eye shadow is far more dated than the 1960's! It is also believed that the ancient lost civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria also understood the healing properties of crystals. In more recent times, crystals have found resurgence in popularity. People are buying crystals for their aesthetic qualities, dabbling in the beliefs that they will bring them love, prosperity and healing.

Crystals are very powerful energy systems and, when used in a treatment by a qualified practitioner, can be harnessed to bring about profound healing benefits both physically, mentally and emotionally. It has been long known and recognised by scientists that crystals have a "charge". They have been used in technology for this very property for years, such as in computers, watches and televisions. In fact, we would not have technology without them.

Through my own theorising I have come to understand the way crystals can bring about healing. All living (and 'non-living') things vibrate to certain frequencies. We're taught at school that atoms are in constant motion, so this idea is not alien to us. Crystals have a pure energy due to their regulatory lattice structure. When the vibrations of these crystals come into contact with our own vibration, they will affect our vibration in much the same way as we experience sound waves. When an individual is out of balance, the crystals pure vibrations will change our own vibration, and bring the imbalance closer to harmony.

These ideas rest on the assumption that the world is made of differing frequencies of energy. The physical world is made from very dense frequencies which is why we can see them. Other energies such as microwaves, radio-waves, sound-waves and radiation are frequencies of energy that are less dense and so we cannot ordinarily see them. Around physical objects there is a frequency of energy that we do not ordinarily see, scientifically known as the electromagnetic energy field, or aura. It is in these layers of energy around animal and human bodies that are thought by many, for thousands of years, to contain emotions, thoughts and our connection with the universe. Scientific research is now finding ways to show this to be true.

In a crystal treatment, crystals are placed around, on and over the client. The treatment may be seated or lying down; the removal of clothing is unnecessary. There are many different treatments that can be used for specific illness and ailments, and a practitioner may adapt these to tailor for the needs of the individual.

Specific treatments that I have been taught through the Vantol College of Crystal Therapy help with symptoms such as; the common cold, migraines, lethargy, depression, blood sugar disorders such as diabetes, high/low blood pressure, kidney and urinary conditions, reproductive issues including fertility conditions and menstrual imbalances, ear and sinus problems and general detoxification and cleansing of the body system. I have personally found crystal therapy to be very powerful in my emotional and spiritual development.

Before a treatment commences, the client or recipient will be required to give some personal information about their physical health, which will be the basis of the decision as to the course of treatments, and indeed whether a treatment should be given or not. A treatment usually lasts about an hour, in which time the recipient may have many different sensations arising such as emotions, physical sensations, or mental images. It is not unusual, however, for a client not to feel anything, just very relaxed.

The best way to find a qualified Crystal Therapist is to contact the Crystal Healing Federation, or the British Crystal Healers. You can find these organisations through the Vantol College website; Practitioner's who have been trained to the standards met by these organisations, two years of training being one of them, are entitled to register with the NHS Directory. You can then be sure that you are being treated by someone who has a sound knowledge of crystals and their affects.

Samantha Thurlby-Brooks is a practitioner and teacher of Seichem both in London and Reading, working under the name of The Butterfly House Complementary Therapies & Training. She is also qualified in Massage and Indian Head Massage and Crystal/Gemstone Therapy to NHS standards. She is soon to teach with the acclaimed Vantol College of Crystal Therapy. Through her unique experience with crystals she is currently researching her first book on crystals and their self-development properties.

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