Alternative Fibromyalgia Therapies

Fibromyalgia is a mysterious disease that is effecting more and more people, as increasing numbers of patients are being diagnosed with this disorder. What is fibromyalgia, and what are some alterative therapies and treatments for this often-times debilitating disease?

Fibromyalgia is defined as a chronic musculoskeletal disorder with symptoms of widespread and persistent muscle and soft tissue pain, fatigue, and tenderness in several key points of the body such as the neck, shoulders and hips. Fatigue is often present in the more severe cases of fibromyalgia, and the degree of pain also depends on the severity of the disorder in the individual.

Fibromyalgia can be caused by stress, muscle injury or overusage of the muscles. Alternative therapies for fibromyalgia are being perfected as we speak, and there are some promising therapies and treatments in development now that can really help improve people's lives.

There are many traditional and alternative therapies prescribed to treat fibromyalgia. They range from traditional treatment with NSAID's (a powerful prescription pain killer which inhibits pain-triggering chemicals from releasing in one's body and reduces swelling which often contributes to pain) and other anti inflammatories, to magnet therapy, physical and massage therapy, and herbal treatments.

One of the best lifestyle changes for fibromyalgia patients is moderate movement. It is imperative to feed the muscles of the body oxygen by keeping the blood flowing and circulating constantly. This will help reduce any swelling, hence reducing pain, as well as provide the necessary nutrients (oxygen and blood circulation) to your muscles that they need to function properly, and to heal themselves.

Be sure to incorporate adequate amounts of minerals such as zinc, magnesium and calcium in your diet. These minerals are indirectly responsible for the health and oxygen absorption of your major muscles. Adequate amounts of these minerals, like exercise, will help ensure adequate oxygen delivery to the muscles. Not only that, this helps offset any type of fatigue caused by the disorder.

Also be sure to get plenty of antioxidants in your diet. Antioxidants help destroy free radicals, which are often responsible for the destruction and aging of tissue, including the muscle tissue. Antioxidants are found in abundance in dark leafy green vegetables and brightly colored fruits and vegetables like peppers and oranges.

In addition to these lifestyle guidelines, you may also want to try a good herbal pain control remedy in order to manage fibromyalgia flare ups, or as a supplement to your diet in order to reduce daily pain. Formulated with the right combination of botanical and herbal compounds, the right herbal fibromyalgia pain reducer will reduce the pain naturally, without the undesirable, sometimes addictive, and health threatening side effects of common prescribed anti-inflammatories for fibromyalgia. As a supplemental therapy, it can prove to be a huge benefit in fibormyalgia patient's lives.

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