Reiki Energy Balance

Here's a simple exercise that anyone can do, even if they haven't been 'attuned' to Reiki. It requires a basic knowledge of channeling Reiki energy, the positions of the 7 primary chakras and a willingness to spend some time making someone else feel good. Everything else is optional.For those who've never channeled Reiki or studied it, first take a moment and see my other article "Basic Reiki" for instructions on how to open up to and channel the energy.

Setting the tone

I like to create a nice atmosphere when doing Reiki. I usually light up some nice incense and for music I usually use Nik Tyndall's "Reiki-Healing Hands" CD as it's also designed to help open the heart chakra. I also like the internet radio station at

Getting Started

Just lie down in a comfortable position and put a pillow under your knees to help take the strain off your lower back.

Place one hand over your 3rd eye and the other over your 1st chakra. Now just relax and open up to the energy and let it flow down through the top of your head, through your heart chakra and out through your hands. Spent several minutes here, or until you feel like it's time to change.

Next move one hand up to your 2nd Chakra and the other down to your Throat Chakra. Spend as much time as you need here, and then move one hand down to your Heart Chakra and the other up to your Solar Plexus Chakra. After you finish here then just switch your hands around to your chakras at random and continue tuning them up for as long as you desire.

Getting Deeper

These exercises can obviously be enhanced by using the Reiki Symbols and by having the Attunements, but neither is really necessary. Over time your body will attune itself if you keep running the energy.

These exercises can also be enhanced by regularly practicing 'The 5 Tibetans' exercises also, as they help tune and rejuvenate your chakras also.

There are so many things that can be done, both with Reiki and your Chakra System, and the point of this exercise is to help you balance your energy and feel better. It's also about building up your own catalog of experience, as it's pretty hard for any teacher to tell you what a certain exercise should feel like when you do it. I can tell you how it feels to ME when I do it, but it may feel differently to you when you do it yourself, so play with it and see how it feels.

This is also about learning to trust yourself and your own feelings and the only way to do that is play with it and have fun.

More Resources

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More Alternative Information:

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