Treatment Options for Hand and Foot Eczema

There are many kinds of eczema, and too few people who can tell you how to cure them. Scientists are trying get a better handle on the causes of such eczema as hand and foot eczema, but they may still have years to go before they find a tested and sound way to prevent the condition.

In the meantime, your best bet is to follow the latest advice that health experts offer on the problem.

To get relief from hand and foot eczema and other forms of the condition, it is important to make key lifestyle modifications. These may not necessarily be an eczema cure, but they can help to prevent flare-ups.

First, see your dermatologist regularly for treatment. Second, use the medication that he or she prescribes. They may not be quite as reassuring as an eczema cure, but these steps, can be the difference between keeping the condition at bay, or letting it ruin your life.

What You Can Do First To Help Yourself

Start your assault on your hand and foot eczema by avoiding the many things around your home that can irritate the condition.

Things that can irritate your skin include household cleansers, detergents, aftershave lotions, soap, gasoline, turpentine, and other solvents. Try to steer clear of these things that make your hand and foot eczema flare up.

Of course, it's also essential to wash your hands only when absolutely needed. Soaps and wetness can cause skin irritation. Dry your hands completely, as well, after you wash them.

The Importance of Wearing Gloves

Other ways to experience a temporary eczema cure involve all the methods under the sun to protect your hands. These include wearing gloves to protect the skin. Put on vinyl or plastic gloves for work it it requires you leaving your hands in water for long periods of time.

Wear gloves and shoes, too, when you think your hands will be exposed to anything that can irritate your skin and bring on hand and foot eczema.

Another potential temporary eczema cure are cotton gloves underneath plastic gloves, as well as cotton socks in plastic or leather shoes. The cotton can soak up sweat from your hands and feet. If even this cotton is getting drenched, then take frequent breaks from your activities or work.

Remove your gloves and shoes to prevent a buildup of sweat inside them. Don't forget your gloves when you go outside during the winter either. Cold air and low humidity are enemies of your skin and can easily bring on hand and foot eczema by drying out your skin.

Other Eczema Triggers You Should Think About

Besides cold and dry air, stress and other psychological factors can also be an eczema trigger. Learning how to manage your emotions can be an eczema cure all to itself. You may not be able to get at the root cause of eczema by cutting back on the stress in your life.

But controlling your emotions and avoiding stressful situations can be a potent way to reduce the frequency and the intensity of your eczema attacks. Your behavior, then, can be a powerful eczema cure until doctors come up with the ultimate one.

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