Hypnotherapy and How it Can Help

Hypnotherapy is the process of using hypnosis to unlock the capacity of the unconscious mind to bring about therapeutic changes by modifying deeply-held assumptions, fears and misconceptions.

The issues that prompt people to turn to hypnotherapy for assistance include:

• Phobias
• Pain management
• Panic attacks
• Performance enhancement
• Habits - e.g. smoking
• Obsessive Compulsive Disorders
• Stress management
• Performance anxiety
• Insomnia
• Confidence, self-esteem and assertiveness

What Hypnosis Is

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind, enhanced by deep mental and physical relaxation. Without knowing it everyone drifts into and out of mild hypnotic states daily. These periods of time are commonly referred to as "day-dreams" or "running on autopilot".

Hypnosis has nothing to do with being asleep or unconscious in any way. You are able to hear and remember everything, and will know exactly what's going on.

People often worry that, under hypnosis, they can be made to do things they would not ordinarily agree to. This is incorrect: you remain in control all the time and cannot be made to do things that you genuinely object to.

Participants in entertainment and stage hypnosis shows are fully aware that they will be asked to act in silly ways, and they implicitly agree to this at some level of their mind.


Hypnotherapy is simply the process of using hypnosis to 'unlock' or access the unconscious mind, and to bring about therapeutic changes by modifying deeply-held assumptions, fears and misconceptions within it.

There are two forms of hypnotherapy:

• Suggestion Hypnotherapy or Clinical Hypnotherapy

The hypnotherapist guides the client into a relaxed state and enlists the power of the client's own imagination using a wide range of techniques from story-telling, metaphor or symbolism to the use of direct suggestions for beneficial change.

• Analytical Hypnotherapy or Hypnoanalysis

This therapy is rather more intense and requires several sessions. It involves an in-depth analysis of the individual's inner fears, blocked and unresolved feelings and repressed memories and is carried out in a quiet and gentle way allowing the memories and emotion to flow and release anger, fear and hurt of the past.

More Resources

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