How I Was Overtaken By Evil Eye Envy!

You are about to embark on a journey that only a percentage of the world's population has made. Throughout the journey, you will gain insight that will expand your horizons in the evil eye phenomenon.

My name is Aphrodite and I was 15 years old when mother and I took a vacation to Greece; more specifically, the Aegean Islands of Kalymnos, Kos and Rhodes, the island where I was born and lived for the first nine years of my life.

We were visiting our relatives in Kalymnos Island at a time when they were invited to a wedding in Kos Island. The family unit being what it is on these islands meant of course that we were invited as well. So, off we went!

It was a glorious day for a wedding, a memorable event of family celebration and joy which came to an end with well wishes to one and all. It was a day I will not forget!

We then made our way to the harbour to catch the last departure back to Kalymnos, a half our boat ride across the calm blue waters of the Aegean.

What happens next is a mystery.

Between our departure from the wedding party and our boarding the boat to head back to Kalymnos I became quickly ill.

Mother noticed a change in my demeanour and became concerned of my condition right away. My head became heavy and my eyelids even heavier. I became dizzy. I could not stand. I could not sit and only felt some comfort in a lying position and with my eyes closed.

My aunt commented that I must have contacted the evil eye as there was no other explanation for my symptoms.

Could it be? Was I undone by another person's envy?

Mom agreed and stated that it may have happened during our good byes at the wedding party, as many of the women admired how well mannered and beautiful I was and that I would be an excellent spouse for someone.

That was enough evidence for my aunt who added that since I had no protection from the evil eye on me (in the form of an evil eye amulet, or an evil eye charm); she would get one for me immediately to help deflect such negative brain waves in the future.

As soon as we arrived in Kalymnos, I was rushed to the house and right to bed. My aunt summoned an elderly woman to undo the evil eye and to deflect the harmful energies out from within me.

I liken this ceremony to an exorcism, only instead of dealing with demons, the evil eye exorcist deals with cleansing humans of harmful negative energies; evil and envious brain waves which I have heard it told can even cause death to the inflicted party.

Can this be possible? Would I be flawed in some way for life or cured from this evil eye wrath?

The elderly woman asked for a bowl of water, oil, a censor with charcoal and "livani" incense of myrrh. As the aromas of the burning incense filled the room, she placed three drops of oil in the bowl of water. Right away she recognized that I indeed was imposed by negative harmful energies of the evil eye.

How could she be so sure of this? What did she see?

The recital continued with repetitive words and phrases and a motioning of the censor in a particular fashion over and around me, until it seemed the room was filled with smoke from the sweet smelling myrrh incense.

"All is fine now" she said demanding to leave me to rest in silence.

A short while later, I found myself at the edge of the bed yelling for mom. That startled everyone in the household in a good way as they realized that I had found my voice again and that I was no longer moaning and groaning.

Mother rushed up the stairs lightning quick to help me out of bed and to the courtyard for some fresh air.

I was suddenly feeling well again. My mother with my aunt by her side had tears of joy sliding down their faces. In their eyes, this was a miracle of sorts.

My aunt approached near and presented me with a beautiful blue evil eye charm surrounded with 14 K gold on a chain which she placed around my neck.

To this day I wear it to protect me from evil eye energies.

My relatives were relieved that an inconspicuous admirer's evil eye envy toward me, did not sour the memorable moments we had as a family during our stay in this majestic land.

After all, we were in Greece. "When in Greece, do like the Greeks".

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