Preventive Medicine - Ayurveda

It should not be hard for anyone to imagine that man sought medicine to maintain life and gain knowledge since the time of his being pre-hominid and eating plants while learning which ones killed him. Your puppy or kitten will show this when it goes outside for the first time and eats grass to help its gastrointestinal processes. The Therapeutae of Pythagoras who some say developed the pentagram were learning from far more ancient insights that were being lost and we have lost a lot of the knowledge of healing he had in his chanting or 'Singing of the Spheres'.

Ayurveda includes the use of herbs and plants combined with psychic arts of a healing nature. The proper practitioner includes psychology as part of the diagnosis and getting the patient to use their own mental or soulful energy. It comes from very ancient shamanism and has many names for its practice. This art is called ayurveda in India, and it has Taoist and Yogic corollaries.

When I lived in Vegas I grew Aloe Vera, and its Vitamin E may be part of why it works to heal so many things. Comfrey tea is something my brother took to help a broken leg that wasn't healing in the traditional medical approach. There are many ways to enhance the immune system along with our natural ability to heal and help each other. 'Cleansing' auras or meridians of 'Chhi' or pranha, positive visualization and what is sometimes deemed wholistics have been available for longer than books or politicians were practicing their questionable arts. The ancient priests and shamans who were corruptible became even more so as this knowledge grew. The Inca's 'magic' and healing may have been one of the best balances of knowledge and compassion ever exercised on behalf of every citizen.

Can you honestly say you trust the future of gene therapy and near immortality to our current system? Do you want more transparency or honesty? Shouldn't we all become 'informed consumers' and have alternatives considered when they make sense? Much of what Western doctors learn about anatomy and diseases is easily input and reacted to by modern computer and diagnostic tools. Can you imagine them ever putting these things in the public forum and trying to engage us all in honest dialogue that might diminish their power, money and influence? In China you don't pay the doctor when you are sick and preventive medicine is the rule. Bill and Hillary Clinton tried to emphasize 'preventive medicine' and ran into the same kind of lobbying that George Bush and Dan Quayle saw when they ran with a commitment to institute 'tort reform' in the legal system.

The idea that a fully diluted homeopathic tincture might heal through some imprint left by Cyanide found in peach pits or laetrile is just one of the conundrums that science still struggles to face. But the fact is cyanide kills cells and results have been achieved by some people who might have attuned themselves with that small amount of Cyanide that Japanese researchers found in peach pits after the US researchers said there was no possible agent that could kill cancer cells in peach pits. The implications of this extend to genetic rituals that modern science cannot see the effects of, and other energy lattice memory or Intelligence.

There are forces in society which seek to keep certain knowledge hidden or what one might term 'occulted'. We do need to learn to stop the shelving efforts or those who do the shelving and denigrating. They would rather have a monopoly and power before seeing all mankind capable of greater things.

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