Natural Remedy for Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is a normal response to real, perceived, or anticipated movement. People tend to experience motion sickness on a moving boat, train, airplane, automobile, or amusement park rides. Head movement can increase motion sickness. Avoid drinking alcohol or eating a heavy meal before travel. During an extended flight, eat small meals and drink small amounts of fluids either before or during a flight to help reduce nausea and vomiting. As we know very well, prevention is better than cure; the following natural remedy measures may be adopted for curing motion sickness.

Folk remedies for motion sickness have probably been around since man first decided to seriously check out the scenery beyond his own backyard. Some of the home remedies are still popular and followed now days. They may not work for all and may not work every time, still it is more populous among the human population. The common natural remedy followed all over the world is Olives and lemons. Some doctors noted that early stages of motion sickness cause you to produce excess saliva and nausea.

Olives produce chemicals called tannins, which make your mouth dry. Hence, the theory goes, eating a couple of olives at the first hint of nausea can help diminish it, as may sucking on a mouth-puckering lemon. Though this remedy is so old but still it is popular today and is certainly worth a try. The other natural remedy available through out the entire continent is Ginger root. Ginger works by the way it absorbs the acids and blocking nausea in the gastro-intestinal tract.

A scientific study conducted gives the result that two powdered gingerroot capsules were more effective than Dramamine in preventing motion sickness. For example, in one clinical trial of 80 novice sailors (prone to motion sickness), those who took ginger (in powder form) experienced a significant reduction in vomiting and cold sweating compared to those who took placebo.

Although black horehound (ballota nigra) and peppermint (mentha piperita) have not been scientifically studied for their use in treating motion sickness, some professional herbalists may recommend these herbs in combination to alleviate nausea associated with the condition. Soda crackers also being used as home remedies. Soda crackers won't stop salivation, but dry soda crackers might help absorb the excess fluid when it reaches your stomach.

Ginger in any form, fresh, ginger pills that you get from a health food store, powdered in tea proves to be good natural remedy. Even ginger ale, although it is far less effective can also be used as a natural remedy. When ever you get sick going up to the mountains you should suck on a wintergreen lifesaver or any other wintergreen mint it makes it go away really quick and leaves your mouth feeling fresh.

Although the tradition dates back hundreds of years, eating a bit of ginger recently passed scientific scrutiny when an experiment showed that two powdered gingerroot capsules were more effective than a dose of Dramamine in preventing motion sickness. Researchers theorize that ginger works, by absorbing acids and blocking nausea in your gastrointestinal tract.

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