Natural Smoothie Formula to Stop Constipation and Acne

Here is how to build a natural smoothie that can stop constipation, relieve acne, improve your skin and give you more energy. The smoothie base is a liquid slurry that can be used to add more natural ingredients.

The liquid base can be made from various fresh juices or rice, oat, or almond milks. I stay away from milk since milk creates mucus along the gastrointestinal lining. Choose and mix any of the following liquids and pour them into a blender.

Juices - apple, pineapple, orange, tangerineMilks - rice dream, oat milk, almond milk

I use a combination of 40% rice dream, 40% almond milk, and 20% apple juice. You can use the combinations you like. Sometimes I might just use all rice dream. Other times I will mix 75% almond milk with 25% fresh apple juice.

All of these juices provide liquid to your colon to help your stop constipation.

Sesame Milk

You can also make sesame milk and use this in your smoothies.

In his book, Blending Magic, Bernard Jensen, Nutritionist, has a real nice recipe for sesame milk.

"I believe that sesame seed is one of our best. It is a wonderful drink for gaining weight and for lubricating the intestinal tract. Its nutritional value is beyond compare, as it is high in protein and minerals. This is the seed that is used so much as a basic food in Arabia and East India.

Blend for 1- 1 1/2 minutes to make smooth,

* 2 cups of distilled water

* 1/4 cup of Sesame Seed

* 2 Tablespoons Soy Milk Powder"

In place of 2 cups of distilled water use 1 cup of water and 1 cup of low fat rice dream and leave out the 2 tablespoons of soy milk powder. This will make this drink less fattening. I prefer not to give children soymilk or soy products because of their estrogen mimicking characteristics.Banana Base

Next I always put in a banana. This gives the liquid a bit more thickness. Also bananas are high in potassium and other minerals. They contain little fiber and yet do not create constipation when used with other fiber fruits. Use bananas that are not spotted since at this point they are quite ripe and are more fattening.

I freeze bananas so when I am out of fresh ones I can use frozen ones.Main Ingredients

Next I choose a fruit that will be the main ingredient. I use strawberries when they are in season, if you have fresh organic fruit, then this is the best way to create your smoothie. What I do is freeze fruit during its season so I can have some of this fruit a bit long than its seasonal run. If the fruit is organic, use the whole fruit without peeling. Whole fruits contain a lot of fiber that will help you stop constipation.

Choose from fruits that are in season.

* Avocado

* Cantaloupe

* Peach, mango, papaya

* Pineapple, apricots, apples

* Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries

* Figs

* Dried prunes, peaches, apricots, figs

Nutrients to Add to Your Smoothie Base

Once you have your basic smoothie, you can add other nutrients that will provide you with additional fiber, oil, vitamins, minerals and many other nutrients.

Here is a shortlist of some of the ingredients you can add to your smoothies. Add only 2-3 other ingredients so your smoothie taste doesn't get to complex or unusual. But can experiment with the different nutrients you wish to add.

* Almonds

* Beet Juice powder

* Black strap molasses

* Capra mineral whey

* Chia Seeds

* Distilled water Ice cubes

* Edible dairy whey

* Fig Juice syrup

* Flaxseed and flax seed oil

* Honey, rice syrup

* Lecithin granules

* Powder vitamin C

* Raisins

* Rice or oat bran

* Sesame seeds

* Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds

* Wheat germ

Making smoothies is fun and nutritional. Once you create the base slurry, then you can add many other natural ingredients the will give energy, stop constipation, clear acne, and provide many other health benefits

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks.

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