Natural Aphrodisiacs - The Right Way

Aphrodisiacs are amongst the oldest cures, being ones of the ancient natural medicines used by mankind. From China to Mayan Empire or Inca, these plants and aliments were often considered magical, belonging only to the gods.

The interest that natural aphrodisiacs has risen was not manifested because of a greed for lust or fashion trends or even social duties, but starting from a search for divinty from human kind but not only this: the wish for an improved and better life.

Potency, fertility, passion, love, sentiments don't have anything to do with lack of decency, fomication, breaking social rules and lack of self-control. Aphrodisiacs in general, natural ones especially, come as a completion to any human being, man or woman, in order to fulfill us in the unique pursuit that is perpetuation of life.

And, in this context, we plead for a life in harmony, bring in front the natural cures and ways of life, ways that naturally resonate with our body, without any chemical reactions that are difficult to imagine and accept. As a consequence, you should takea journey through healing agents, body fortifiers, recovering and balancing elements that come from nature and can be used as much as possible in their natural state. We are talking about plants, plants based products, animal based products that are proven to have aphrodisiac properties. This natural products are not created and prepared in who knows what secret laboratory with a cosmetics or aliment company, all you need being... your kitchen. Any dish you would prepare using ingredients with aprodisiac qualities seem to be an easy and accessible solution to a problem that proved to be both embarrassing and complex.

Then, maybe it is time that all of us go back to Mother Nature even when it is about our most intimate and hidden aspects of our lives.

More Resources

Herbal Therapy
Herbal Therapy, also referred to as Herbalism, is one of the oldest healthcare means known to mankind. Herbal therapy is the utilization of herbs for various therapies, remedies or medicinal purposes.
Eucalyptus Pure Essential Oil
Eucalyptus pure essential oil is obtained from the leaves and branches of the eucalyptus tree,also known as Eucalyptus Globulus. This tree originated in Australia, where the aborigines likely discovered its medicinal properties and started experimenting with the oil.
Cold Laser Therapy: Hope for Arthritis
Having had the rare, first-hand opportunity to observe cold laser therapy treatment in action, I am impressed at its remarkable ability to help in healing with rheumatoid arthritis.As my dad suffers from various maladies, including having a heart defibrilator.
Secrets Of Aromatherapy Part I - Physical Remedies
Aromatherapy can be used to relieve the discomfort of awide range of minor physical complaints including burns,colds, flu, sinus problems, cold sores, eczema, headache,indigestion, menopause, menstrual irregularities, muscleaches, nausea and toothaches.Diluted in healing carrier oil such as aloe vera,essential oils can relieve the pain of minor burns.
Frequency Specific Microcurrent Offers New Hope For People With Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia
Approximately 10 million Americans suffer from a condition known as fibromyalgia syndrome. This condition is characterized by widespread muscle pain, extreme fatigue and chronic non-restorative sleep disturbances for more than three months' duration.
Some O. H. & S. For You To Consider
Clicking a mouse isn't exactly vigorous exercise, so I thought we might consider a little Occupational Health and Safety. If you're like me, you spend quite a few hours each day 'slaving over a hot computer' - and it's probably one the most sedantary things you can do.
Massage Magic - Music & Touch
What Massage Therapists Do!Have you ever thought what massage therapists actually do? Ideally, they provide a safe, warm and comfortable environment. There are soft clean linens, warm aromatic oils, background music, their knowledge of how the body works, warm hands and a sincerely caring touch that guides you into relaxation of those tired and stressed muscles.
Lavender : The Purple Panacea
Lavender is wholly spent with us, for to perfume linen, and the dried flowers to comfort and dry up the moisture of a cold braine(Parkinson)Lavender, the once popular English garden herb, was used extensively as a perfume, but the versatility of its oil has made it a remedy for ailments.HistoryIn classical times, lavender was widely used by the Romans and Libyans as a bath perfume.
Laxatives You Find In The Drugstore
A laxative is defined as,A substance that is used to promote a bowel movement when you are constipated.Laxatives work by starting and stimulating peristaltic action.
What is Shiatsu? Shiatsu, literally means: Shi = 'finger,' Atsu = 'pressure.' By definition, Shiatsu translates into 'finger pressure.
About Child Bedwetting
Bedwetting also known as nocturnal Enuresis is a common problem that is encountered in children below 6 years. Many of the children bed wet since they have no control over the bladder.
That Popeye Knew a Thing or Two!
For a few weeks the lumps in my throat were driving me mad. To make them go away I was eating more, just to try to push them down!! Of course this is the time when all kinds of crazy things go through your mind, especially as a close friend had died recently from thyroid cancer.
Inflammatory Arthritis: Alternative Treatments
There are two main types of arthritis: inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis. Inflammatory arthritis can be treated naturally without drugs.
Feuille D Menthe: The Cooling and Uplifting Fragrance of Green Grass
Feuille D'Menthe is a blend of several fragrant grass essential oils, with the main ingredients being sage, vetiver, mint and basilic. The perfect combination of these fragrant herbs exudes a rich and fresh aroma, without gloom and turbidity.
Holistic Methods: Hemp Seed Oil and Aromatherapy in Steamboat Springs, Colorado
Aromatherapy is a well known holistic method for healing, but when boosted by the quickly penetrating carrier hemp seed oil, the healing potential is magnified exponentially. No other carrier oil can take the beneficial medicinal qualities of aromatic essential oils as quickly through the epidermis as hemp seed oil, so if your lotions and salves are missing it, you're not doing your body justice, but it's not too late?.
Discover 5 Scents That Will Turbo Charge Your Energy, Mood, Brain Power, and More
Control AppetiteIn studies of 105 subjects, it was found that people who inhaled a chocolate-like aroma when they felt hungry lost almost 3 pounds in 2 weeks. A research study of 3,193 people found that a whiff of banana, green apples or peppermint scents find out an average weight loss of 30 pounds in 6 months.
Hypnosis for Change
Change is what we want. Change is what we fear.
Low Back Pain
About 85 percent of the population will experience disabling low back pain at least once during their lives! That's almost all of us. The problem is so bad that at any one time, according to one researcher, 6.
Magnetic Bracelet Used in Research Study Now in United States
At the end of 2004 results from a study on arthritis patients in the UK was published in the British Medical Journal.It stated that it had found positive pain reliving results using a magnetic bracelet.
Herb Remedies
Herb remedies are made of natural substances that come from plants. Herbs have been valued throughout history.

More Alternative Information:

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