Diet Food Stinks!

One big thing that can keep you from eating healthy is the idea of the food. People often think it sucks and doesn't taste good. That is the best thing of not dieting, the food tastes great. And since eating healthy is a "non-diet" the food also tastes great, often better than junk food. Have you ever had a strawberry that was so good it was almost orgasmic?

People get caught up in comparing the old food they used to eat to the new food they are now eating. Don't do this. Do not get caught up in trying to find something that tastes like your old favorite thing. Here is a little secret, the natural healthy food will not taste the same. It will taste better, if you let it. Let me explain what I mean with a story.

My friend was eating an apple, and after a bite or two, she put the apple down and was going to throw it away. It was one of the worst apples she had ever eaten, she said. Don't ask me why, but I wanted to taste the worst apple ever. I took a bite, and it tasted pretty good to me. And then I had a thought. If I ate the apple expecting an apple taste, it was pretty bad. In fact, horrible. But when I tasted the apple for the taste it had, without comparing it to anything else, it was fine. In fact, the apple was pretty good. My friend, who just a moment ago was going to throw the apple out, tasted it again. When she didn't compare it to what she thought an apple should taste like, she thought it was pretty good as well.

If you try to compare the new food you are eating to things you've eaten in the past, it will not be the same. It is not the same. But if you actually taste the new food you are eating for the food it is, you will find it is just as good, if not better, than the food you used to eat. Fresh and pure food always tastes better than toxic food, if you taste the food for what it is without comparing it to what you used to eat.

Find your new favorite foods from healthy selections and the food you eat will taste great.

More Resources

Lemon and Parsley Home Remedies
You might think of lemon and parsley as great garnishes for your drink glass and plate, but did you know that you can use them to ease symptoms of common minor ailments?Sure, the lemon makes a good drink and even tastes good squirted on fish, but you might want to make sure you have some on hand for more than dinner. The lemon can be your best friend when you have a common headache.
Herbs and Essential Oils - Powerful Medicine
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Holistic Health
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Aromatherapy Oils
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Living with Aromatherapy
Places Suitable for Use of Aromatherapy Products: living room, bedroom, study room, kitchen, bathroom, office, conference room, KTV, hospital, car and other enclosed spaces.Aromatherapy· When someone at home is down with influenza, light an aromatherapy diffuser to prevent mutual contagion.
Emotrance & Well-Being
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