When Your Emotions Become Like Ticking Bombs & Cause Disease

So, where does disease come from? How does it get manifested in your body in the first place? Do environment and diet really play key roles in causing disease? Well, the information contained in this article will shock you to say the least. For years now health officials have told the public about how diet and environment specifically contribute to most illnesses.

Doctors have been preaching to their patients how important it is to eat a healthy balanced diet and to exercise on a regular basis. It is also advised to limit our fat intake because it is unhealthy. Many people believe that by taking vitamin and mineral supplements they will ensure themselves that any deficiency they have will be taken care of.

If all the information that has been preached to us about disease and health is true, then how is it that a person such as myself could become chronically sick? Before I became chronically sick, I worked out four to five days a week and ate very well. I ate a varied and healthy diet and also limited my intake of saturated fats. So, how did I become chronically sick after following such an active and healthy lifestyle?

Well, although dis-ease is a physical manifestation, the root causes of most illnesses are not physical. The true root causes of almost every dis-ease lie deep within every person that is ill. In essence, we create every illness that we experience, be it on a subconscious level or an unconscious level. So, how is that possible?

How can we possibly cause ourselves these kinds of circumstances? Well, there are distinct emotional and mental patterns associated with every illness. The way you choose to use your mind and the way you respond to your outer world have more to do with disease than your diet and your environment.

We have heard in recent years how stress can kill you. Well, it is really not the stress in and of itself that will kill you, it is the way you choose to process the stress that could hurt you or make you very sick. The body in essence is a mirror of our inner thoughts, emotions and beliefs. Every single cell in your body has its own intelligence and is able to listen to what you are thinking and feel what you are expressing emotionally.

In reality, your cells and your body respond to every thought you think, every emotion you have and every word you speak. Repetitive modes of thinking and suppressing negative emotions such as anger, resentment, bitterness, and hatred can and will eventually manifest as dis-ease in the body. Literally, your suppressed emotions become like ticking bombs waiting for the perfect conditions to detonate and manifest as dis-ease.

There is a philosophy/science called metaphysics. Metaphysics deals with primarily how there are many factors in the universe in which can not be reasoned with the five senses of the human body. In the aspect of disease, metaphysics proposes that there are distinct emotional and mental factors that contribute to the manifestation to each correlating disease. The correlation between patterns of emotions and thought to a specific disease can be so profoundly true.

For example, let's take a person with heart disease. Metaphysically speaking, the heart represents love and our blood represents joy. Our hearts pump this joy throughout our bodies. When someone lacks joy and love for their life, the heart shrinks and becomes cold and thus the blood becomes sluggish. At this point, one is subjecting themselves for heart conditions such as angina, arteriosclerosis, and deposits in the arteries. In fact, if you were to look at most people who have heart disease, you will find a lack of joy and love in their life.

Another metaphysical correlation of suppressed emotions and illness would be that of cancer. This disease is typically found in people who carry deep anger for either themselves or resentment for other people and circumstances that occurred in the past. These people were very hurt by the past event and usually carry hatred for a long period of time until it literally starts eating away at the body and manifests as cancer.

I hope by now that you can begin to see a deep correlation between a person's emotional and mental state and the disease they carry. Whenever a person comes down with any disease, they need to look at themselves and see what they have been thinking or what emotions they have been suppressing.

Many times though, the triggering emotional and mental factors for a specific disease occurred many months to even years before the manifestation of the illness itself. It is key to discover the true root factors that triggered the manifestation of the illness. Even conditions such as the so-called common cold and the flu may have distinct emotional and mental factors contributing to them.

Any time you are sick in general, you need to listen to your body and hear what it is telling you. Instead of always looking for a magic blue pill or a magic supplement, one needs to be more conscious of their bodies. If you are chronically sick then you need to assume full responsibility for your own health. No doctor or drug can cure you of any illness. You have the cure within you to eliminate any disease. God equipped all of us with everything that we will ever need in this world.

How dis-ease really gets manifested in the body

Symptoms of illness result from only the following 3 factors: 1) Toxic Thoughts 2) Toxic Emotions 3) Toxic Chemicals produced in your body from your negative emotions.

Your toxic (negative) thoughts, which really determine your perception of life events, cause you to have negative emotions, which cause the cells of your body to create toxic chemicals and in turn cause your body to create toxic cells that lead to DIS-EASE.

Science is now proving that when you are in a state of distress and disharmony, your cells produce toxic chemicals that tend to deteriorate and degenerate the body.

Anytime you move into stress and disharmony you express negative emotions that literally create toxic chemicals in your cells. This causes your body to be in a state of degeneration and stagnation. Once you are in this state, you then become susceptible to attract viruses, harmful bacteria, parasites, candida (fungi), and also store toxic chemicals from food and pollution since you will not be detoxifying properly.

Also, when you are stressed out or carry any of the negative emotions such as anger, resentment, hatred, impatience, etc., you tense up. This tensing up causes many of your biological processes to be impaired. Nutrient transport, cell respiration, detoxification, elimination, digestion, assimilation, hormone production and brain function become severely disrupted leading to a gradual degeneration in your whole system.

Emotional stress has the biggest impact on your immune system above any other factor. If you are in a state of balance and harmony mentally, emotionally, and physically, then illness simply can not set in the body. Most people have not been taught how to deal with stress and live in a balanced fashion. The society of today promotes drama, stress and struggle. The secret then is that the suppressing and storing of emotions are the true root cause of most illnesses.

Diet and environment do help to contribute to disease, however, they are not the underlying cause for it. Just look at anyone who is calm and approaches life in a balanced fashion. These people rarely get sick and will almost never get chronically sick. Chronically sick people are ones that are typically very emotional and/or have had serious traumatic experiences in their past. They are also people who tend to hold onto emotions correlating to these past events.

The big secret that many health organizations don't want you knowing is that the body has a divine blueprint for perfect health. Every single cell in your body has its own intelligence and is programmed for optimum functioning. Due to this divine blueprint, the body knows exactly how to heal itself no matter what illness, injury or imbalance that may be present.

The key is to know how to use this blueprint to restore your health or improve your current state of health to optimum functioning. Once you know how to tap into this cellular blueprint for perfect health, you can then heal yourself from any illness.

Divine Blueprint for Perfect Health

Let's use an example of how this blueprint for perfect health works. Let's say that you cut your finger. What most people are unaware of is that the second the cut happens, there are biological processes that start immediately to regenerate and heal the wound.

Due to the cellular programming in your body for perfect restoration, all the necessary processes and substances to heal the wound are automatically carried out perfectly. Accordingly, after about a week the cut is healed completely and you would never know that there ever was an injury.

Another example of the divine perfection of the body and how it is intelligent is when you break a bone. Here is another instance where the body starts immediately to repair and regenerate what is out of equilibrium with its divine blueprint. Again, after about 6 weeks the bone is healed completely and it is actually stronger at the point of the break than it was before.

So from these 2 examples, it is quite clear that the body knows exactly how to heal itself from anything that it is presented with. The question really isn't can a person heal from a chronic illness, but rather does the person have the correct information to use to heal themselves?

True Healing

So, how does one begin to heal the emotional and mental traumas from one's past? The secret to healing yourself on all levels of your being is to learn how to let go and forgive. Learning how to forgive yourself and all the people who you perceived as hurting you is the best remedy for any life issue whether it is a chronic disease or an unhealthy relationship with a family member or past lover.

Notice that I said perceived as someone who hurt you. The fact is, no one can ever hurt you in life. You can only allow yourself to be hurt. The mental and emotional grief that you have experienced in life was really due to the perceptions that you had about each life event. The key is to learn how to change your perception in life.

I have found through personal experience that forgiveness is absolutely the best remedy for any life issue. I know that as I began to forgive the people that I thought wronged me, my health and my life started to improve dramatically. The question I ask of any person that says they are chronically sick or has any type of health ailment is...Who is the problem?

Forgiveness can actually heal you of disease. I will say that forgiveness is the magic cure that many people in life are looking for. There are many people who carry hatred, resentment, anger and bitterness toward the people they think hurt them. These emotions set in the body and get stored over the years until they manifest as disease and other imbalances. Your emotions also get stored in your energy fields and form blockages. There are now scientific instruments that can read your energy fields (aura) and are able to tell where you have energy blockages. Based on where you have energy blocks in your aura, you will be more susceptible to acquire certain diseases.

In essence, if you could read people's energy fields (aura), you could tell where they are blocked energetically and be able to predict what specific diseases they are more inclined to come down with.

Releasing old emotions will cause shifts in your energy fields and thus free up the energy blockages that you may have. That is why letting go of old STUFF can do wonders for your health.

I have heard of people having miraculous cures of their illness once they decided to forgive someone for the past. In fact, there are health promoting biochemical changes that happen in a person's body when they are in a state of forgiveness.

So, how do you forgive you might be saying? Forgiveness is not some hard and complex process like many people believe. It does not take extended energy and time and requires no knowledge of how to do it. Here is the secret answer to forgiveness. Forgiveness starts with a thought. The thought of really wanting to forgive the person in question, letting the past event go and releasing the need to be right. The rest GOD will take of as long as you are sincere in wanting to forgive the person.

That is it!! Pretty simple huh? It does work! Just do it. The sooner you do, the sooner you will feel like a mountain has been lifted off of your shoulders. Not only do you free yourself but you also free the other person. Even if the other person never finds out that you have forgiven them, they will experience a release of some kind on some level.

One bit of advice I can give is that to be able to forgive someone else, you have to forgive yourself first. The same principle applies here where you simply just let go of the past, have the thought of forgiving yourself and release any anger or pain from the past event.

If you can really absorb the information that follows, you will be well on your way to healing yourself from whatever illness you have and/or creating optimum health.

The Formula For Complete Healing

1) Assume Full Responsibility for your illness. No one out there can ever heal you. It is your duty to heal all levels of your being to be completely well. By educating and empowering yourself with sound holistic health knowledge, you will be well on your way to healing.

2) Commitment; doing whatever it takes to heal yourself. I would have walked to the North Pole and back if I had to. Just be committed to do whatever you have to do to heal regardless of how much money and energy you have to expend.

3) Forgiveness- as explained earlier will be the best medicine for your recovery.

4) Implementing a diet and environment that will support your physical health. (You will learn how to do this throughout this book.)

5) Learning how to adjust your thoughts and emotions to support long term health.

Holistic modalities and true organic supplements can help you to heal on a physical level but only when you assume full responsibility for your health and become conscious of your full being. You are a multidimensional being with a complex psyche. You need to learn how to balance your multidimensionality.

The only way one can truly heal from any disease is through healing every level of their being. One needs to look at their mind-body-spirit complex and work to heal those areas that are out of balance. Without such balance, one can never truly heal!


Rino Soriano specializes in helping chronically sick people to restore their health. After healing himself from chronic fatigue syndrome, he is now on a mission to help other chronically sick people to regain their health and their lives.

Rino calls himself The Chronic Disease Buster since he feels that once a person has the proper information about disease and healing then busting through their illness becomes easy.

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