Relieve Constipation with Aloe Vera

Menstruating or pregnant women should not use Aloe Vera, in any form, to relieve constipation

Aloe Vera is a wonder herb that has been around for thousands of years. It has been used for both external and internal problems - skin rashes, burns, ulcers, internal bleeding. It also promotes bowel movements, which helps to relieve constipation. I have found that some people are allergic to Aloe Vera. So if you show a rash or have any other undesirable symptoms, don't use it.

Aloe is an astringent, acts to tighten muscles, and has purgative and laxative action - dispels fecal matter that has collected in your colon. There are many aloe vera products to choose from. For best results, choose an aloe that is close to that of fresh organic aloe whole leaf.

Using Aloe Vera Gel to Relieve Constipation

Take two tablespoons of pure aloe vera gel mixed with apple juice. You can use other types of juices that fit your taste.

If you use aloe juice drink, mix 1/3 of aloe juice with 2/3 of a juice you like just before bedtime or just on awakening.

Or, if you can handle the taste of the juice, drink a glass of Aloe Vera juice as soon as you wake up and one just before bedtime. This will promote a bowel movement when you wake up.

Relieve Constipation with Aloe Vera Capsules

Aloe Vera can also be taken in capsules. Because aloe can have a strong griping action, it is best to take this herb with a calmative herb such as turmeric. Aloe can also be mixed with powdered fennel seeds. But, you can take aloe as described above and see how you react to it. I know many people who take it without turmeric and they don't have any side effects

The best aloe vera is, of course, fresh aloe gel from a leaf. Look for an aloe that has been hand and not machine pressed. When aloe has been machine pressed, it can be contaminated with the yellow sap that is contained in the outer skin of the aloe leaf.

This yellow sap has strong laxative and irritating action in the gastrointestinal tract. A good aloe should not have more than 10 parts per million of yellow sap.

Aloe has been shown to lower blood sugar levels. Diabetics may find a need to lower medication dosages when using aloe for a long time. But monitor this with your blood tester and your doctor.

In addition, aloe vera has a cleansing action and restores a healthy balance of the good bacteria in your colon.

Here's how to use Aloe Vera to relieve constipation

Use aloe for 5 days and then rest 2 days. Using aloe on and off like this can help to reduce allergic reactions from long-term use.

Typical recommendations are:

• Aloe gel - 2 tablespoon each day
• Aloe vera juice - 1 quart each day
• Aloe vera concentrate - 5 g up to 3 times each day

Remember, if you're pregnant do not use aloe vera. It has not been studied for women during this period.

Drinking peppermint tea when taking aloe vera capsules can relieve mild cases constipation. You can also mix aloe gel with peppermint tea to form a constipation drink.

Taking aloe vera to relieve constipation can give you good results since aloe vera has a strong action in the colon.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist.

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