Cause Of Stuttering

When a person has a stutter or a parent realises that their child is developing a stutter they often want to find out the cause.So what causes a stutter?

The answer is many things can trigger someone starting to stutter. These are some of them:
It can be a traumatic event
It can run in the family
People may copy a friend at school who has a stutter and then it sticksAn over aggressive relative

Last year I had a female client who told me how she had developed a stutter. She was fluent until the age of twenty four. At this age she became pregnant for the first time, she was very happy and excited about the prospects about becoming a mother.

She was apprehensive about the birth and her friends had been winding her up telling her how painful the experience is. She knew that they were only teasing and tried to keep relaxed.

The day of the birth arrived and unfortunately the delivery was particulary hard and she was extremely shocked about how bad it actually was. After the birth of the baby, who was a healthy boy she developed the stutter.

Not all people who stutter have it from an early age, another one of my clients was fluent until the age of nineteen. At this age he had a car crash and this was the trigger to him starting to stutter.

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