Chiropractic Care First

(NewsUSA) - There may be a new mantra when it comes to treating back pain: chiropractic care first, medicine second and surgery last.

Many of those suffering from the often debilitating condition already know first-hand that traditional treatments -- costly surgery, steroid injections and prescription medicines -- can result in complications and negative side effects. And with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reporting that nearly 80 percent of Americans will experience such pain at some point in their lives, chiropractic care is increasingly viewed by health experts as a potentially safer alternative.

"It's fast becoming the first option in providing a drug-free, non-invasive approach to effectively manage back pain," says Gerard Clum, a spokesperson for the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress.

In fact, a recent study on Washington State workers who'd suffered job-related back injuries, which was conducted by such prestigious institutions as Dartmouth College's Geisel School of Medicine, documented positive outcomes and significantly reduced odds of surgery for those whose first provider was a chiropractor.

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