My All Natural Oasis

About 7 years ago, I decided that my budget could stretch, just enough, to fulfill my lifelong dream of owning my own hot tub. Like most perspective spa owners, my biggest concern was whether the hassle of adding and mixing all those toxic chemicals that (I used to believe) are necessary for clean spa water was really worth the pleasure of after-work escapes into my personal "oasis".

After all, who dreams of an oasis comprised of a hot chemical soup, with labor involved in starting and maintaining it? It is kind of counteractive to the fantasy if you think about it like that. It would be more of a mirage than an oasis, if you ask me.

I began to brood over other possibilities as I let my skepticism simmer. What if I developed a rash or an allergic reaction to those artificial additives? I mean, my pores would be more open and vulnerable then, and that could really "put me in hot water".

Then a friend of mine told me about an all-natural, enzyme based formula that was designed to maintain crystal-clear spa water, and sanitize, without chemicals. The amazing thing is that it only needs to be added once every three months. Nothing else has to be added, ever. No testing, labor, or supplements are required with normal use. The enzymes do it all for you and it is 100% safe and nontoxic.

If you think I was cynical before, I certainly was then, because this sounded too good to be true. Nevertheless, I decided to take my friends word for it. I brushed that skeptical angel off my shoulder and went out to purchase my steamy indulgence. To my delight, my friend's testimony and my dream came true. I had the hot tub I always wanted and none of the worries or hassles that I feared.

The product is called "Spa Magic" and it is no misnomer. In 3 words: I loved it. To quote an old Norelco ad, "I liked it so much, I bought the company". Actually, I liked it so much I started my own company to distribute these great products.

Our company is called Cre8ive Enzymes ( and we our proud to join the community of "Green Industries" that our changing the way we live our lives. Using our products produces no harmful byproducts. Our customers can dispose of their spa or cleaning water with the security of knowing that they are not contaminating the environment at all. We are glad to be a part of the growing movement towards a greener world, free of the toxins and chemicals that can poison our world.

We now have hundreds of customers, still growing, and nothing but positive feedback and repeat business from our satisfied clients. In addition to the Spa Magic, we sell other great cleaning products for your house and your pets.

The thing that pleased me the most about this discovery was the confirmation it gave me that green solutions have the power to beat synthetic/chemical solutions in the marketplace through both superior efficacy and cost effectiveness. There is hope yet, that consumers may finally abandon their, seemingly endless, use of artificial products that contaminate and disrupt the balance of our delicate ecosystem.

Dr. Hunter, with the development of this revolutionary enzyme formula, was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in the early '90's. Starlab, the manufacture of this proprietary enzyme formula, is currently working towards expanding its product line with the development of more environmentally-friendly solutions to the problems we face in this ever changing world.

They say we are in the second "Age of Reason", but the contamination of our environment, that has been our mainstay, is not very rational at all. However, all-natural products that are less expensive and more effective than chemicals (such as the product line our company offers) provide the perfect incentives for consumerism to evolve for the better.

Randy Martin is an environmental entrepreneur who lives in Wytheville, VA and owns an e-commerce business that sells all-natural, nontoxic cleaning products for everything from hot tubs to pets.

More Resources

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Natural Remedy for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD
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Teas From Plants Around You and Their Benefits
All teas unless specified are brewed with 1 teaspoon dry material or 2 teaspoons fresh material to 1 cup of water. Always steep.
What is Sound Therapy?
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Reiki Energy Balance
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Green Tea: An Oriental Panacea Revived
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Alternative Health Treatments for People Who Give Too Much
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