Body Mass Index Is Not The Only Focus of Your Weight Loss Plan. Think About The Stress in Your Mind

The first of January will bring a new group of folks out to the local gym and the fitness equipment store. Many of us have been a part of this crowd once or twice in our lifetimes. We dedicate ourselves to health and fitness as our new year's resolution.

Whatever the motive, we have decided to drop a few pounds, start a running plan, and develop a much healthier lifestyle for a variety of reasons. We will go all out until we hit our goals, or at least until we start to miss our old ways of sleeping in and helping ourselves to another round of mother's favorite treat.

Many mistakes will be made by fitness beginners for a variety of reasons. The biggest failures that the author has noticed are inadequate goal setting and unrealistic dreams.

There are many authors and experts who write about proper goal setting techniques, so I will let them do their work. But what we will attempt to uncover is how to envision the correct future and how best to attempt a lifestyle change that will be conducive to success in the fitness and happiness world.

First, it is most important to discover the source of the problem. Many people, including yours truly, have a tendency to open the refrigerator door excessively throughout the course of a day. This might not be a problem if the cooler were stocked with some good snacks like carrots and apples. That's where many of us get in trouble. We are unwilling to give up the goodies we enjoy.

I have found that by expanding my culinary horizons to include fruits and vegetables, that I actually enjoy these foods. It took a little time to become more knowledgeable about these treats, but it was, and continues to be, a fun source of exploration in the grocery store.

Getting rid of all the great snack foods was tough at first, but gets easier over time. Have you ever looked at the label on a can of soda? I know a handful of people that have one open all day long. Not good. But I'm not here to criticize others.

Next, it is necessary to take the steps to fix whatever is triggering your unhealthy behavior. It's not too hard to do, in my opinion. With the help of some inspirational books and some meditation, you will begin to realize that you can accomplish any goals you set. By waking up every morning, after a quality night's sleep, and doing some light stretching, you won't believe how positive you can start your day.

I recommend not turning on the morning news. Simply find a quiet spot in your home, do some toe-touches and some leg stretches. Sit in a comfortable position, and plan out your day. Just sit there for a few minutes and pay attention to your breathing patterns. Don't let anything else interfere with this process for about 4-5 minutes.

With some practice at this, you will notice that your inner dialogue will begin to quiet, and you will be able to concentrate on the task at hand. This is a great exercise to do anytime of the day. By taking just a few minutes to yourself, your stress levels will start to drop and you will accomplish all that you wanted to in your day, and possibly much more.

More Resources

Honey! Natural Treatment for Gum Disease
There is quite a bit of talk going on about the antimicrobial properties of the sweetener, Xylitol, which is a product manufactured from cornstalks. The dental hygienist community (discussion groups) is where I am seeing most of this and my understanding is that it is a pretty good product as a sweetener and good for your teeth and gums.
What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a non-toxic system of medicine used to treat a wide variety of health concerns.It is based on the Law of Similars and potentization.
Thyroid Dysfunction, its Symtoms & Treatment
Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland situated under the pituitary gland does not produce the required amount of thyroid hormone. This hormone is necessary for proper functioning of the cells of our body and assist in metabolism.
Far Infrared Sauna Technology Comes of Age
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Holistic Lifestyle
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Using Hypnotherapy to Beat IBS
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Tap Away Your Fears
In my workshops we use energy techniques that involve tapping with your fingers on the ends of the energy meridians on your face, upper body, and hands. I would like to tell you why we do.
The Raindrop Technique Massage
Raindrop Technique is a procedure for applying therapeutic grade essential oils to the feet, back and spine. It is a form of aromatherapy.
Aromatherapy Oils
Aromatherapy is a method of using the aromatic oils which have been distilled from plant sources to engender a feeling of well being both physically and psychologically. Safe and correct use has been shown to benefit the physical and mental well being.
Herbs - Natures Potent Remedies
Use of herbs for health and as a medicine has a history dating back to man's evolution on the planet. From times immemorial, man has experimented and used botanicals to heal and provide remedial treatments.
Athlete Foot Remedies
Athlete foot is a common skin infection that is caused by a fungus. The medical term for foot fungus is tinea pedis.
Aromatherapy for the Mind, Body, and Spirit - Sandalwood Essential Oil
For over 4000 years, the Sandalwood tree has played a significant part in Eastern culture as a material for art and artifacts, a medicine, and a divine aroma. Sandalwood products are obtained from the sandalwood tree (Santalum album), which is a member of the Santalaceae family native to southern tropical Asia.
Living with Aromatherapy
Places Suitable for Use of Aromatherapy Products: living room, bedroom, study room, kitchen, bathroom, office, conference room, KTV, hospital, car and other enclosed spaces.Aromatherapy· When someone at home is down with influenza, light an aromatherapy diffuser to prevent mutual contagion.
YARROW TEA (Achillea Millefolium)
An amazing tea that can help with colds and flu, and also help you see in pure colour. Yarrow has an ancient history.
How I Overcame Anxiety/Panic Attacks
Has this ever happened to you, out of the blue, for apparently no reason at all? You suddenly start experiencing any or all of the following symptoms: shortness of breath, chest pain or discomfort such as tightness, lightheaded, dizziness, faint, palpitations, a pounding heart, sweating, trembling or shaking, a choking sensation, nausea or stomach cramps, numbness or a tingling sensation, chills or hot flashes.Then you experience a fear of losing control or goingcrazy and even a fear of dying.
Quick Tip for Runners Who Have Knee Pain
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Iridology: A Natural Health 101 Article
What It IsIridology is the art of discovering weaknesses in the body through examination of the iris of the eye. Apparently based on an ancient Egyptian diagnostic method, modern iridology as we know it dates only to the mid-19th century.
Herbe Fraiche Essential Oil : A Combination of Forest Essences
Herb Fraiche essential oil is derived from essential oils complex blended from plant substances such as pine, thyme and mint. The refreshing plant fragrance induces a calming effect and relieves fatigue after a long day.
Autism Behaviour in Childrens
Autism is a developmental disorder and the specific cause for autism is not known. It is believed that some biochemical imbalance would have caused autism and some believe that it is a psychological disorder.

More Alternative Information:

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