Living with Aromatherapy

Places Suitable for Use of Aromatherapy Products: living room, bedroom, study room, kitchen, bathroom, office, conference room, KTV, hospital, car and other enclosed spaces.


• When someone at home is down with influenza, light an aromatherapy diffuser to prevent mutual contagion.

• Use aromatherapy diffusers to remove odor and prevent inhalation of second hand smoke during mahjong games, KTV sessions, or in enclosed spaces such as wardrobes, shoe racks, cars, washrooms, offices or pets' quarters.

• Place an aromatherapy diffuser into the bathroom 10 minutes before bath to subsequently enjoy a "forest bath".

• During the summer season when insects abound, use Pyrethre essential oil to get rid of parasites and remove odor, as an ideal replacement for harmful insecticide or mosquito coils.

• For prayers at home, use Bois de Santal to replace chemically-produced incense coils or sandalwood powder.

• For people with nasal ailments who have just started using aromatherapy, light Eucalyptus from night to dawn for seven consecutive days and subsequently make adjustments according to the situation.

Usage of Aromatherapy At Home

Elimination of Mosquitoes and Ants

Recommended Essential Oil: Lemon, Citronnelle and PeppermintUsage:

1) Place a small test strip dabbed with essential oil at the top of the window or at places where mosquitoes and insects are likely to enter.

2) Place a cotton bud dabbed with essential oil in the kitchen cabinets.

3) Spray in indoor places.

Elimination of Parasites, Bookworms and MothsRecommended Essential Oil: Lavande and CitronnelleUsage:

1) Place a small test strip dabbed with essential oil at the top of the window or at places where mosquitoes and insects are likely to enter.

2) Place a cotton bud dabbed with essential oil in the kitchen cabinets.

3) Spray in indoor places.

Elimination of Rats

Recommended Essential Oil: Peppermint and Mentha SpicataUsage:

1) Place a few drops of undiluted essential oil into the nest, cracks of the wall or places which rats are likely to enter.

2) Use the above essential oil in the kitchen.

Aromatic Dish-Washing Detergent -- Bacteria Elimination

Recommended Essential Oil: Lavande, Oceane, Citrus Aurantifolia and OrangeUsage: Add 8 drops of the above essential oil, with folk prescription or compound prescription, into mild dish-washing detergent.

Rag Cleaner -- Bacteria EliminationRecommended Essential Oil: Oceane, Citrus Paradisi, Lemon, Citrus Aurantifolia and Orange Usage: Add 1 drop of the above essential oil onto a wet cloth or into a bucket container for cleaning. This can eliminate odor.

Aromatic Air Freshener for the Kitchen -- Odor Removal After CookingRecommended Essential Oil: Lavande, Rosemary, Lemon and Citrus Aurantifolia Usage: After cooking, add a few drops of the above essential oil into a container with a nozzle and spray to remove odor that arose while cooking.

Comprehensive Surface Cleaner -- Bacteria Eliminationand Reduction of Contagion by GermsRecommended Essential Oil: Lavande, Chypre, Tangerine, Lemon and Citrus ParadisiUsage: Add 1 drop of the above essential oil onto a clean and wet cloth or 8 drops of the above essential oil into 2 litres of water.

Germicide for Clothes -- Bacteria EliminationRecommended Essential Oil: Lavande, Eucalyptus, Thyme and Tea Tree

Usage: Before washing clothes, add 1 drop of the above essential oil into boiling water and soak the clothes in it.

Usage of Aromatherapyin Cars

Car owners must be thinking about the possibility of using essential oils in their prized possessions.

Let us consider these important points:

1) A car is a means of transport, so it frequently comes into contact with the dusty outdoor air. It is also a good breeding ground for germs and insects. Therefore, the first consideration would be the way to maintain cleanliness, hygiene and ideal air quality within the car.

2) All decorations within the car, be it leather chairs or cloth-covered chairs, will give off a particular smell after long usage. Since they cannot be cleaned as easily as ordinary household furniture, odor removal has become another important concern.

3) When one has hit the roads, good mood, agile mind and concentration will set the pace for a good drive ahead. The key is to maintain these qualities for long distance drives to prevent fatigue from setting in.Pertaining to the requirements above, you can use these essential oils:


Acts as an astringent and enhances alertness. As chypre can aid in fluid circulation, this will be very beneficial for symptoms such as dropsy and poor blood circulation in the limbs: results that arise from sitting too long in the car. At the same time, chypre can purify the air and eliminate bacteria and insects. We recommend this as an aromatherapy essential within the car.


Lavande would provide the best relief for tensed nerves, stress and headaches caused by driving. At the same time, Lavande can also alleviate anxiety, repression and fatigue that occur as a result of staying indoors for too long.

Note: If you experience fatigue or drowsiness as a result of long-distance driving, do not use Lavande alone. Use it together with alertness-enhancing essential oils such as Chypre or Citronnelle.

Aromatherapy Diffusers in the Car

Within the enclosedspace, it will be easy for essential oil to unleash its effects within the car. We recommend that you use a Aromatherapy diffuser that is specially designed for cars and is convenient to use.Places and Occasions Suitable for the Use of Aromatherapy

• When receiving visitors, Aromatherapy diffusers can purify the air to create a hospitable ambience without putting visitors off.

• When it is hard to stop visitors from smoking, use Aromatherapy diffusers to prevent the inhalation of second hand smoke.

• During mahjong sessions, Aromatherapy diffusers can remove second hand smoke. Increased oxygen content in the air will make your brain more alert for better enjoyment of the game.

• Consistent use of a particular essential oil in a company can boost the morale of employees and enhance the company's corporate image.

• Aromatherapy essential oils with tranquillising properties can help manage one's emotions by soothing anxiety, unstable moods and alleviating insomnia.

• Aromatherapy diffusers can remove bad odor in wardrobes, shoe racks and cars.

• Place a Aromatherapy diffuser in the bathroom 10 minutes before bath to subsequently enjoy a refreshing "forest bath". This helps to relieve fatigue rapidly and makes you rejuvenated.

• During the summer season when insects and mosquitoes abound, use Pyrethre essential oil to replace harmful insecticide and mosquito coils.

• In industrial areas where air is severely polluted, use any kind of essential oil to disintegrate harmful gases.

• Aromatherapy enhances cheerful ambience during gatherings.

• Aromatherapy products make for elegant and stylish gifts in the same way that they enhance the user's quality of life.

• Use Rose Rouge essential oil to enhance the romantic ambience for an important date.

• For those with pets at home, use Pyrethre essential oil to drive away parasites. Spraying the essential oil will produce even better effects such as odor removal.

More Resources

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