Alternative Medicine vs Conventional Medicine - Pt 2

In Part 1 we discussed the fact that alternative medicine (so called) was being used in ancient times long before conventional medicine came on the scene. It is interesting to note that there were not so many diseases plaguing mortals in those days. What has caused this never-ending increase of deadly diseases that wreak such havoc on the body today?

If conventional medicine was the answer to health problems,why have diseases increased, and why are so many people dying from these devasting illnesses? Why do so many persons seem to be convinced that alternative medicine made by God do not have healing virtues as the conventional medicine made by man?

There is also what is called complementary medicine, that is, other treatment used along with conventional medicine to effect a cure. However, not all substances categorised as complementary medicine must be used with conventional medicine to be effective.

For example, aromatherapy is regarded as complementary since it is used in many cases with conventional therapy. I have had great results with the use of essential oils in the case of swollen joints, arthritic pains, nasal and chest congestion, 'flu and other ailments. No conventional medicine was used in these cases.

Why is information about cures by alternative medicine often suppressed even though conventional medicine very often interferes with the natural process of healing?

People are so coerced to use conventional medicine that theyrefuse to even give alternative medicine a chance becauseadvertisements have such great influence when heard often enough, that the public is convinced.

Have you ever noticed the way conventional medicine is advertised? It would seem that every effort is made to down play the possible negative effects.

The ads begin by distinctly emphasizing the benefits of the medicines; then with hurried words they are changed to something like this, "If you have gallbladder problems, or ulcers, (or other ailment) you shouldn't take this." Then in closing, someone affirms that the benefits have been personally experienced!

Beware such deception and trickery; your health may be seriously compromised. I often say to myself, "If this conventional medicine is likely to affect my stomach, kidneys, liver, whatever, why should I take it at all when I can usesome form of alternative medicine that is not toxic?"

Many people, so trained to distrust natural remedies and eager to get well, jump at the announcement of some apparent new super healing conventional medicine; and, without any hesitation, embark upon a regimen with the belief that it is the answer to their problem; Yet, they continue to be sick or even get worse. In spite of that they keep on ingesting them.

I am of the opinion that if persons are encouraged to use alternative medicine to treat disease before it develops into a serious illness, they might very well have but little need for the administration of conventional medicine such as chemotherapy, synthetic drugs, and surgery. If the body is kept in a healthy state, it is not likely that disease will develop.

Day by day warning signs of an impending illness are being ignored, then when that illness becomes overwhelming a quick fix is sought through conventional medicine which, unfortunately, seldomly delivers the required result.

I just cannot understand why most people will not try natural remedies. My son, who was diagnosed with an exceedingly high count of diabetes, was given the conventional treatment of insulin and told that he would have to use it for the rest of his life. He decided to try a herb called Gymnema Sylvestre that is known in India as 'sugar destroyer' and, instead of using sugar, he used the extract of another herb called Stevia.

What a surprise when he tested the level of sugar to discover that it had drastically dropped! After a few weeks, he stopped using insulin altogether. This was well over a year ago and to this day he has not resumed the insulin therapy. His blood sugar is back to normal and he now uses the natural treatment only for maintenance.

I am not saying this to suggest that you will have the same results, or to suggest that you rush out and buy these items. This is only to support my confidence in natural remedies. If you have diabetes, you are well advised to consult your doctor.

Very often a simple massage is the answer to a problem. I personally have not had a headache for many years. There was a time when I was headache-prone, and got into the habit of using synthetic medicines to ease the pain, but after I decided to try natural treatments and medicines, I changed my diet from eating 'junk' foods and tried to stop using thosesynthetic headache remedies.

I started to massage my head and shoulders whenever a headache came on. Then to my delight, I realised that headaches were few and far apart. Now they are virtually no more a part of my life.

Whenever I sense the feeling that a headache is imminent (which is exceedingly rare), I just give myself a quick head and shoulder massage and I am OK again. No more headache remedies for me, like the 'Oh-so-famous' ones that are so often advertised.

I have helped many, many persons to be rid of a headache by just simply giving them a massage as mentioned above. Many had headaches lingering for days, and after about 20 minutes of massage, they miraculously stopped.

Every person should find the time to learn about the natural treatments that could be taken to protect his/her own body and prevent or cure diseases. I do, do you? I have studied and read about hundreds of cures by natural means, and have experienced some myself.

Think of the many thousands of persons who might have beenalive today if only they had known, and had been encouraged, to use certain natural remedies to be healed.

It is not the intention of this article to condemn the use of conventional medicine which plays a wonderful role in the case of surgery and other traumatic conditions. There have been countless such cases where, without the administration of conventional medicine, many persons would not have survived.

However, it is my hope that conventional medicine in the field of drugs will one day give way to alternative medicine, and conventional medicine retain its place in the field of surgery and other traumatic conditions where it cannot be ignored.

Many persons have begun to take charge of their health and have wisely shifted their preference to alternative medicine with satisfactory results. It is likely that this trend will continue and alternative medicine will one day regain the recognition it so rightfully deserves, as greater emphasis will be put on the prevention of disease and maintenance of health by natural means.

A word of caution. If you have decided to try alternativemedicine, be sure to get in touch with a qualified practitioner.

This article is written for information only and is notintended to suggest treatment of any disease. Information contained herein is based on my own experience and research I have done and just want to share with interested persons. Anyone suffering from a disease is advised to consult a qualified recognized health care professional for advice.

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