Drugstore Hemorrhoid Medications

There are many drugstore and alternative Internet productsfor treating hemorrhoids. Most of the products are notmade to cure or eliminate hemorrhoids but to give youtemporary relief of itching, pain, swelling or bleeding. Idon't recommend using any type of product that is notnatural or that comes from a drugstore.

If the product contains petrochemicals, additives, coloring,dyes, or other chemicals, which enhance its appearance andfeel, I would not use them. Most, if not all, of thesechemicals will be absorbed into your body where yourorgans of elimination will have to deal with eliminating them.

All products whether drugs, drugstore medications, ornatural formulations use chemicals, substances, oils, andherbs that have the following properties:

* Anesthetics - suppresses pain and gives relief?anyname with the suffix "caine" like tetracaine

* Analgesics - suppresses and give pain relief - someof them are Anacin, Tylenol with Codeine, OxyContin,Darvocet, Ultracet

* Vasoconstrictors - helps to narrow or constricthemorrhoidal veins?any name with the suffix "rine"like phenylephrine

* Lubricants - provide lubrication in the colon to relieveconstipation - mineral oil, flax seed oil, castor, oilolive oil

* Astringents - help to tighten tissue, which havebeen pushed out by hemorrhoid action - zinc oxide, witchhazel, calamine

*Keratolytics - help to remove excess hemorrhoidaltissue. They are compounds of sulfur and salicylicacid

Many of the drugstore medications have anesthetics. Theycan aggravate and irritate the hemorrhoids you're trying toeliminate. If you are using one of these drugstoremedications, consider using a more natural remedy.

In 1975 Carl I. Flath, wrote a book called The MiracleNutrient - How Dietary Fiber Can Save Your Life. Inhis book he talks about the effectiveness of drugstoresuppositories,

"Suppositories quickly work their way up in therectum beyond the location of most internalhemorrhoids, and so are of limited value inreducing local pain. As antiseptics they areessentially worthless, since the surface areasthey are supposed to protect are underconstant exposure to new bacteria?.

Anesthetic agents do offer temporary relief from localirritations and pain? Neither the suppositories nor theointments, however, do anything whatever to correct thebasic cause of hemorrhoids-constipation."

Rudy Silva has a Physics degree from the University of San Jose California and is a Natural Nutritionist.

More Resources

Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine, over 2000 years old, is an ancient form of medicine. Consisting of acupuncture, moxibustion (moxibustion - using material made up of "moxa-wool," in a form of a cone or stick; moxibustion is used to treat and prevent disease by applying heat to pints or certain locations of the human body), herbal medicine, acupressure, cupping, therapeutic exercise and nutrition, traditional Chinese medicine is notated by its principle of internal balance and harmony, or "chi," (life force) regulation through energy channels.
Holistic Methods: Color Therapy and Aura Soma in Steamboat Springs, Colorado
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