What is Tea Tree Oil? Benefits?

Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) has a proven history of over sixty years of safe usage. Some call it the medecine cabinet in a bottle!

Tea Tree 100% Pure Essential Oil!

It's o.k. to apply this oil neat the same goes for lavender but I recommend if you have sensitive/reactive skin to always dilute them in a base product, either being oil or creams or apply on a q-tip to limit overuse.It is steam distilled from the leaves of the tea tree species (Melaleuca alternifolia). The highest quality of tea tree oil comes from Australia.Tea tree oil has been proven to be a powerful yet natural antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal medicine (essential oil).

It is being used as a very effective first aid remedy and against countless skin ailments, infections, cuts, scrapes, burns, insect bites and skin spots etc,

*Tea Tree Oil is a natural antiseptic, germicide, antibacterial, fungicide.

Tea tree oil is effective against nail fungus (click link below for more info.), ringworm, athlete's foot, dandruff, acne, blackheads and many types of infestations including lice, mites, scabies and mosquitoes etc...

Tea tree oil is not just soothing and disinfecting, it is capable of penetrating into the lower skin layers with its anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, pain-killing and wound-healing qualities.

It promotes sweating - which enhances the body's own natural preventative response when threatened by infection. Great for colds alone or in combination with eucalyptus oil. Add to an oil or cream and massage on chest alone or chest and back. Add about 1-2 drop of each. Tea tree oil exhibits expectorant and balsamic characteristics, which are especially beneficial in the case of throat or chest infections, having a generally soothing and clearing (mucus-expelling) effect on the entire respiratory tract. It is also effective against head colds.

It can be used as a immune system booster and a preventative against many types of infections.

Tea tree and Lavender may be helpful in efforts to renew a weakened immune system and/or to provide immune support during colds, flu, etc. Along with eucalyptus essential oil which acts as an expectorant by helping to clear mucous out of lungs. Helps to soothe inflammation of the respiratory tract. Helps with asthma, bronchitis,coughs, sinusitis, throat infections you may use eucalyptus in a diffuser or vaporizer to help relieve congestion.

Abrasions & Minor Cuts: Clean area well! Apply tea tree oil full strength to area.

Acne: Add 1-2 drops on a q-tip of tea tree oil and apply directly onto infected area once - twice a day until gone or add a few drops of tea tree oil to facial wash or cream, apply daily. Facial Mask add 2-4 drops to clay type mask.

After Shave Or Waxing: Add 1-2 drops of tea tree oil onto razor blade before shaving. Add A FEW DROPS of tea tree oil to 1 Tbs of aloe vera gel. Smooth over area.

Athletes Foot: Clean feet thoroughly, especially between toes. Add doluted tea tree oil directly to feet every week. Or add (6) drops of tea tree oil to ½ ounce of olive oil. Massage on feet and between toes.

Put a tissue with pure oil drops on it into your vacuum cleanser bag to freshen your rooms and kill dust mites as you vacuum such as tea tree, lavender, lemon, peppermint, lemongrass, cypress, Eucalyptus, Citronella, effectively repel many types of insects including mites, lice, and fleas. Peppermint placed on entry ways prevents ants from entering.

Household ants and others pests hate tea tree oil, so a few drops put at the point of entry will deter them. Similarly, when you wipe cupboards out with an oil and water solution, you will find that cockroaches will move out!

Cold Sores: Tea tree oil can reduce the painful healing time by as much as one half. Apply a few drops of tea tree oil directly to the infected area with cotton swab 2 times a day, to help prevent breakouts apply directly upon onset.

Mosquito Bites: Add (1-2) drops of tea tree oil directly to area of bite. Repeat every 2 hours or until swelling and itching disappears.

Mouth Ulcers: Dab ulcer with undiluted tea tree oil every two hours.

Muscle Aches: Add (12) drops of tea tree oil to 1 ounce of grapeseed oil. Massage well. You can also add (see dilution table) drops to bath water and soak.

Plantar Warts: Apply tea tree oil full strength to affected area 1-2 times daily until gone also a good idea to cover up with a bandage.

Toothbrush Cleaner: Apply tea tree oil directly to tooth 1-2 times a week to remove bacteria.

I recommend buying lavender oil or any essential oils from a reputable distributor, from your esthetician if available because many are of poor quality thus you won't get the full benefit of the product!

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