Body Calling: All Natural Cures

Natural remedies can heal and have been around for centuries. They are affodable cost wise: vitamins, minerals, calcium supplements, digestive enzymes and essential oils. In the 1970's vitamins, minerals and natural enzymes were considered a cure for the fatal and terminal inherited disease Cystic Fibrosis. This research and discovery took the lifespan of 5 Year Old children into 30 years of age and some now into 60 years of age! The quality of life was dramatically increased 25 to 50 years to what was once only known as a "Childhood Disease". There is now a dire need for Physicians for "Adult Cystic Fibrosis" to help them maintain and continue optimal health. Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, donated $20 Million dollars to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in 1999 due to the fact research was doing it's job helping to extend all these children's lives! The point is our bodies all need all natural herbs, vitamins, minerals, supplements, essential oils, fatty acids to reach optimal health. It has been proven over and over most problems go away and many diseases and "the New Diseases" or so they are now labeled "Disease" can be cured and or maintained.

Our society opts for an easy out, a drug, a new drug, the little purple pill, when in actuality they have many of the homeopathic remedies in their own cuboards at home! ie: Honey, a teaspoon a day is good for you especially when relocating to another state. The particular honey "bee's" help you build up immunities to the new environments you can be allergic to. Vinegar for acid- reflux, it works. Baking soda for Gingivitis and good oral health and hygene. Olive oil, the reason why Italian's live into their 100's! Don't forget the Wine which comes from one of the greatest forms of antioxidants: red grapes. Red grapes if given regularily to your children will reduce their chances of getting Cancer...Ever! Healthy people do not need drugs persay, yet they can be necessary.

Genetic therapy (drugs) are the latest and greatest in our modern science and technologies. For those families who cannot afford $5,000 perscriptions with $500 copays. Call your local health resources for help and referrals. But always remember there is a natural resource out there for almost everything. The original cures were only natural cures. Research shows vitamins are just as good as some of the drugs out there today.

Gina Bucci, mother of a wonderful kid with Cystic Fibrosis. Her many years of research and trial and error have led her to help others in any way she can.

More Resources

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