Remedies for Asthma or Allergies

Remedies for Asthma or Allergies

A lot people have asthma. My daughter, 41 years, included. She has suffered from attacks for many years. Recently I encounter three natural remedies that I asked my daughter to try. I have not yet received a report on these, so I would like to pass them on to you. Here is the first one.


Boswellia, an herb, is known for its anti-inflammatory abilities and its usefulness in reduces the effects of bronchitis, asthma, cough, laryngitis, and fever. It comes from the resin of a tree in India and made into a pill or cream. It is best known for use in arthritis.

Recommended dose is: 150mg three times a day.


Yamoa is an herbal powder treatment for Asthma, which is derived from the bark of an African gum tree. It is available in capsule and has been typically used to help asthma. It has a good history of helping asthma sufferers.

Minor Blue Dragon formula

The Minor Blue Dragon is a Chinese herbal formula. Another name for it is xiao-qing-long-tang, or XQLT.It's a blend of eight herbal medicines used to treat asthma for centuries in Asia

The XQLT formula has been used effectively for bronchial asthma for centuries and it is said to have an even more powerful bronchodilator effect than prescription drugs.

This formulation contains ephedra, which has been banned in the US in diet formulas. However, ephedra in this formula is considered safe, since the formula only contains around 15% of this herb. The other ingredients in XQLT are paeonia alba, cinnamon, pinellia, ginger, schisandar, asarum, and glycyrrhiza. Nutritional Supplements That Help Reduce Asthma


In addition to the above herbs it is also important to take a good supply of antioxidants - especially vitamins A, C, and E, carotenoids, and selenium. Taking antioxidants helps to reduce the irritating effects of airborne free radicals, which can activate an asthma attack.


Magnesium has been shown to reduce the risk of developing asthma and might also be helpful in reducing asthma. Magnesium is also good for asthmatics because it helps to dilate the bronchioles. Also, make sure that plenty of water is drunk daily, which thins mucus. The recommended dosage of magnesium is 200-600 mg/day.


MSM has also proven useful for asthma aside from being beneficial for arthritis, allergies, fatigue, back pain, sinusitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, autoimmune diseases, and many other conditions. Start with 2000mg of MSM per day but be sure to take 50 to 150 micrograms of molybdenum daily since MSM needs molybdenum to activate it properly.

I was able to find a product that already has the proper molybdenum in the MSM, which makes it convenient to take just one pill. Go to google and put in the words "MSM molybdenum" and you will find some web sites that sell this MSM combination.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist.

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