Green Apple: Refreshing Taste, Uplifting Fragrance

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"

A common fruit, the apple is perhaps underrated in its medicinal properties. Most regard it as just a healthy fruit or a dessert ingredient but are unaware of its other uses when it comes to aromatherapy.


With its history stretching back to the ages of time, the apple was rightly termed as King of Fruits before the Southeast Asian durian made its unique entrance. Apple had its origins in Southwest Asia between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. Findings show that lake dwellers in central Europe had used apple as far back as the Stone Age era.

Its offspring, the green apple, was successively cultivated in 1850 and is now grown in France at Loire Valley, Provence, Languedoc-Roussillon, Aquitaine and Midi-Pyrenees.

In the 2nd century, Galen, a famous physician to the emperors and gladiators, prescribed apple wine as a panacea for nearly all ailments.

Apple is also an affectionate reminiscence of our childhood years with "now White" giving it a magical symbolism. In fact, apples are also mentioned in three other Grimm's fairy tales, which are taken from old folklores.

Uncovering ancient therapy, we would see a concoction of apple pulp, swine's grease and rosewater being used to beautify the complexion and smoothen the skin. The juice of sour apple was used to remove warts.

Dr John Caius, physician to Queen Elizabeth, advised the patient to "smele to an old swete apple to recover his strength".


Located in temperate regions at a substantial height above sea level, the apple tree is a small deciduous tree with a dense crown and gray bark. Its toothed, elliptical leaves grow with pink-flushed and white flowers on short side twigs. The apple tree blooms in spring and harvest would be ripe from September to April of the following year. The fruit is rounded and depressed at each end.

There are altogether 7000 kinds of apples throughout the world, with yellow, green, red or combination skin colours. Sweet-tasting apples are often directly consumed whilst sour-tasting ones are used for cooking, making wine or refining into essential oil. The green apple, which belongs more to the latter category, comes with a greenish radiant skin and juicy flesh that gives a refreshing taste with every bite. With its high-fibre contents and thirst-quenching properties, the apple proves to be a favourite among ladies.

Apples are cultivated across North America and brought into the prairies in eastern United States, South Canada and the Pacific states.

Health Notes

Apples contain malic and tartaric acids which neutralise indigestion, hence preventing constipation and diarrhea. A source of pectin, protein, calcium, carbohydrates, sodium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and iron, apples also help to purify blood, stop bleeding, clear gout and rheumatism, prevent gallstones, maintain cleanliness of the teeth, reduce cholesterol level and enhance memory. It is even described by the medical profession as a natural health food.

In the field of Chinese medicine, apples are devoid of toxins, promote the secretion of body fluids, quench thirst, nourish the lungs and gallbladder, eliminate worries, enhance stomach and spleen functions and have a sobering effect when one is drunk.

With its secretion of organic acid to regulate intestinal peristalsis, apples can boost appetite. Where beauty is concerned, apples have a rich source of vitamins A, B and C and have nourishing and whitening effects on the skin. Bel'Air uses distillation to extract the green apple fruit. As the extracted essential oil molecules are very small, they can be quickly absorbed by the body via aromatherapy. The fragrance of green apple, which is as refreshing as its taste, can then aid in digestive functions, boosting of appetite, etc. If you wish to alleviate intestinal problems, maintain muscular functions or just have a healthier complexion, do try Bel'Air green apple essential oil and experience the uplifting effects for yourself!

For sleepless nights, vexed emotions and digestive problems, Bel'Air green apple essential oil provides the ideal remedy.

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