Healing the Body & Mind - The Karma of Health

Within each one of us resides the divine healer. All healings come from within and not outside. Once the healer within is set in motion the healing takes effect.

Like all physical problems, health and fitness must be addressed within. The true realization of our health condition being part of our Karma or Actions sets in motion the counter measures -that is corrective actions.

So what can be done to remove stress from our life and set in motion a healing process to attain peak health conditions?

The very simple answer is to attain a balance in life which is in harmony with the natural principles of living. A few changes in the way we think about our body and actions of our daily life from waking to sleeping will see a dramatic shift towards positive health.

Waking up

Waking up is a glorious event in our life which is mostly wasted. The hour before dawn has magical properties. The whole atmosphere is filled with a surge of energy. This is the hour to be out in the open with nature absorbing all the natural energies. Waking up is like a new birth. The body is suffused with new and fresh energies. As soon as you wake up just say 'today is the first day of rest of my life'. You will feel the excitement of anticipation and hope for all that you can achieve on this first day which can truly change your life.


During the night body has been at work collecting the toxins and wastes into your bowels and bladders. The natural mechanism is ready to eliminate them first thing in the morning. However we have got into the habit of postponing it with a morning coffee or tea. The effort should be finish cleaning of the bowels first thing on waking up. Don't read in the toilet. You need your attention and energies to be focused on the task at hand which is cleaning up.


Much has been written on this. For a general good health and increasing energy levels the one exercise that is a must is a brisk early morning walk. Keep the first 10 minutes of your walk comfortable and as a warm up. The next 20 minutes should be very brisk. The last 10 minutes slow down gradually. Walking alone can help improve any disease or disorder in the body by improving your oxygen intake, exercising every part of the body and improved metabolism.


It is not without reason that bathing has developed into a fine art form with cultural and spiritual significance attached to it in many eastern cultures. It is not only a form of cleansing the body but also promotes mental and spiritual health. A good relaxed bath can help relieve stress and fatigue, increase strength, and suffuse the mind and body with enthusiasm and vitality. Stop rushing through the bath, take your time and you will see the difference it makes to your day.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However the early morning rush to our work has changed the eating habits, making dinner as the important meal and a social activity. This disturbs the natural rhythms of the body. Body is engaged in digesting a heavy meal when it should be resting resulting in feeling heavy in the morning instead of light and energetic. Start the day with a well balanced meal of cereals, oats and wheat preparations with a judicious mix of fruits. A breakfast rich in proteins and fruits rich in anti oxidants are the best.Getting through the work day

Enthusiasm and love for the work that we do is the best way to feel energetic throughout the day. Go through your work like a mission. Enjoy what you do. When you have fun doing what you do everyday, you are on a constant holiday. A mission oriented approach creates purposefulness and the day is never a drag.

Rest and Relaxation

Television is definitely a big no if you want to relax. Sensation sells and sensationalism drains your emotions. T.V. is full of bad news - wars, murders, robbery, and terrorism. Movies are overtly violent. The best way to relax is to spend time with your family and children, social circles or reading a good book which gives sense of fulfillment.


Sleep is still a mystery even to the scientific community. No one can live without sleep for long periods of time. It restores the mental faculties. Physically the body spends the sleep in resting various organs including the heart and the brain. The entire system is rejuvenated and recharged with a good nights sleep. Before bed time it is best not to be overtly excited with television or literature which stimulates the senses. Listening to soothing soft music just before going to bed induces a deep undisturbed and restful sleep. The rhythm of nature necessitates the age old dictum of early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise.

These small and easy to follow steps of balancing the daily activities leads to positive action or Karma which sets in motion healing and health. Live a fruitful life full of productivity with daily regime of positive actions.

This article is copyright © of R.G. Srinivasan a Certified Trainer, Small Business Consultant, Writer and Author. He is a strong proponent of a holistic lifestyle and alternate health practices.

More Resources

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Herbal Therapy, also referred to as Herbalism, is one of the oldest healthcare means known to mankind. Herbal therapy is the utilization of herbs for various therapies, remedies or medicinal purposes.
Eucalyptus Pure Essential Oil
Eucalyptus pure essential oil is obtained from the leaves and branches of the eucalyptus tree,also known as Eucalyptus Globulus. This tree originated in Australia, where the aborigines likely discovered its medicinal properties and started experimenting with the oil.
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Secrets Of Aromatherapy Part I - Physical Remedies
Aromatherapy can be used to relieve the discomfort of awide range of minor physical complaints including burns,colds, flu, sinus problems, cold sores, eczema, headache,indigestion, menopause, menstrual irregularities, muscleaches, nausea and toothaches.Diluted in healing carrier oil such as aloe vera,essential oils can relieve the pain of minor burns.
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Feuille D Menthe: The Cooling and Uplifting Fragrance of Green Grass
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Holistic Methods: Hemp Seed Oil and Aromatherapy in Steamboat Springs, Colorado
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