Portrait of a Medical Intuitive

I am a Medical Intuitive in the San Francisco Bay area. As the name states, Medical Intuition is a science and art, where the practitioner uses a highly developed sense of intuition to "look" into the body and evaluate it on energetic levels.

My work is not a job, it is my true passion. It is the Way of the Healer. With my clients and in workshops, I listen and hear both with my rational mind, as well as my intuitive abilities. These abilities allow me to "see" and "hear" a wisdom that is beyond the physical body. This wisdom helps the client to understand the causalities of their health/medical concerns in a whole and complete way.

This knowledge may also take the form of specific recommendations as to treatments, practices and medicines that would be healing for them. I am not a medical doctor; however I do consult with medical doctors, psychiatrists and other medical practitioners.

These intuitive abilities have been with me for as long as I can remember. When I was a young child, I remember seeing what I thought was a spot of paint or something on a relative's shirt. When I pointed it out to him, he did not see anything on the shirt and laughed. A few months later a tumor was discovered in that same spot. It was on his lung and it eventually killed him.

I was the child in school that felt the emotions of all the children and the adults in the class, as well as "talking" to all the animals who would follow me home. When I was in my early teens, I decided that I needed to learn how I could use the abilities I had. I read every book on psychics, healing, angels, saints, and heretics I could find at my local library.

When I was 20 years old, I experienced a series of energetic and emotional openings that gave me the insight and courage to delve deeper into this realm of healing. During this time, I began to study with Roslyn Bruyere, Olga Worrel and Paul Solomon. Their teachings and insights have helped to form my medical intuition practice.

Many times I am asked "Are you a psychic"? My answer is yes and no. Unfortunately the term psychic has become understood as those late night 1-900 numbers, or characters in films and TV shows that are really 'out there'. What I do in my medical intuitive work is light years away from this. My clients trust me with their health, sometimes with life threatening illnesses such as cancer or heart disease. I work to provide the best information and insight that is reliable and accurate.

My work as a medical intuitive is different with each client or workshop I teach. However, the initial process remains the same. I scan the client's energy bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual), to access the information and insight that is stored there.

Usually I begin by looking at a specific area of the body, or area of concern that the client presents. These may be pains, aches, swelling or specific medical conditions. I scan all other areas of the body to look for additional areas of concern. During the session I work as a medical and healing intuitive, more than just an exchange of words and information takes place as energetic currents flow through the client's energetic bodies. This can sometimes be felt by the client during the session.

With the information I gather from the reading, I prepare a specific, detailed treatment recommendation plan for the client. Many of my clients share these plans with their doctors or other medical/health professionals.

A gifted medical or healing intuitive can 'see' and pinpoint specific illnesses, imbalances, weaknesses and preclinical disease states in the human body. They can also 'read' the strengths and positives of the client's health and wellness. Simply, they can 'see' things that even the most sophisticated medical and natural healing diagnostic tests can not reveal.

Due to the deep nature of the intuitive's work, conditions can be detected and preventative work done to deter them from manifesting into outward physical disease or illness.

Further, the findings of many wellness oriented intuitive practitioners go well beyond the purely physical aspects of a client's health challenge. Often, causal information is uncovered that details mental, emotional and energetic states within the client. Some practitioners can intuit beyond even these categories into deeper and more esoteric influences surrounding the client's health status.

Each client's level of understanding and each practitioner's skill level will dictate the depth, breadth and focus of an intuitive session. Most practitioners will honor a client's specific request to analyze some particular aspect(s) of the client's situation. No specific preconceived outcome or 'test results' should be anticipated by a potential client.

People say to me, "I'm not sure I believe all this is possible?" Skepticism is common around any human endeavor that appears to exist beyond the five senses. However, medical intuition has proven accurate in countless cases. The proven reality of medical intuition transcends both belief and possibility. It is not a theory or postulation. Please investigate this field on your own to see whether this practice would be useful to you and those you care about.The cause of all illnesses and imbalances start at deep levels with human beings. The diagnostic equipment of modern and alternative medicine simply can not penetrate to the causal levels in human beings. A good intuitive can 'get there' and get the answers.

Unfortunately, the use of an intuitive to get healing or medical information is still considered 'far out' even by people within alternative medicine. As you might imagine, in 'modern medicine', a medical intuitive would be laughed out of 99.95% of all hospitals or clinics.

Sadly, this uninformed point-of-view limits the health professionals' ability to fully assist their patients or clients. This closed minded stance eliminates an incredibly viable tool that could be used with great efficacy to treat and care for all patients. Fortunately, as we move into the 21st century, a few open minded medical doctors and other health professionals are beginning to use and benefit from the use of medical intuition.

Don't be scared to try a 'medical' or 'healing' intuitive. Most individuals who practice in this field are highly evolved and professional people. A true 'medical' or 'natural healing' intuitive session has nothing to do with the infamous 1-900 psychic hotlines.

For me, this is my true calling. Even when my own heart has experienced hurt, my intuitive abilities have sustained me. Intuition is empowering. It is about listening to your own inner knowing and for me using that to help heal others.

Christopher Stewart is a Medical Intuitive assisting others in their healing process. His work is compassionate, uplifting and empowering.

More Resources

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Portrait of a Medical Intuitive
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