Plantar Warts Treatment - Is There A Natural Medication Which Gets Rid Of Plantar Warts?

Plantar Warts are growths which occur on the bottom of your feet and are very common. They are caused by the Human Papillomavirus which allows some skin cells to grow faster than others, thus causing a growth, called a wart. Plantar warts normally occur in children aged 12- 16, but anyone can get plantar warts.

The HPV virus is normally contracted through a cut or scratch in the skin. It is therefore not advisable to pick or scratch a wart because the virus can reside under the fingernails and can spread to other parts of the body when scratched. Plantar warts should be treated straight away.

Plantar warts are extremely common, due to the rapid infection of HPV. It is estimated that up to 40 million Americans are infected with HPV, and most are unaware that they have the virus, and therefore don't seek treatment. This is because the virus can be present in the body, without the individual actually developing any warts. This means that there are many carriers of the virus, and therefore up to 5 million new infections are reported in America each year.

Plantar warts normally start off with layers of skin at the bottom of your foot, building up in circles. They can be recognised by tiny black or brown dots, just under the surface of the skin. These warts can be found by themselves or in groups or clusters which can cover the whole sole of the foot. They can become quite painful, due to the pressure created from walking or running. A fast, effective wart remedy is therefore important.

What about Treatment?

It is NOT advisable to use any of the following treatments for plantar wart removal:

freezing warts off,burning warts off with acids, surgically removing warts. Also beware of over the counter creams for warts and medicines which contain acids.

When choosing a cream, remedy, ointment or medication for plantar warts, make sure to use a trusted, natural formulawill will draw the wart out from the root upwards, ensuring that there is no scarring and that the wart never grows back!

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