How to Use a Footbath with Herbs

Recently I read a book by William L. Fischer called "Hidden Secrets of Super Perfect Health at Any Age", Book II, 1986. In chapter 10, The F-M Circulizer System, he discusses the use of an herbal footbath. After reading this chapter, I understood the importance of using herbs in a footbath to improve your health. It's a simple concept yet this is the first time I have read about this idea.This book was written in 1986 and Fischer claims this herbal footbath has been in use overseas since 1946!

When you use a footbath and heat the water, the veins in your feet start to dilate. Over a period of 20-30 minute, the warm water affects your entire vascular system and you get an improved circulation of blood throughout your body.

By adding herbs to hot water, the minerals from the herbs enter the soles of your feet and move into you blood stream. What this means is that you can introduce into your blood stream a variety of herbal chemicals into your body using the footbath. During the your footbath, these herbal chemical will be quickly circulated throughout your body and get used where there is a deficiency.

The herbal footbath can result in improved health provided you pick the herbs that are beneficial to your health. You can start by adding herbs that are high in minerals. Most people are deficient in alkaline minerals and have an acid body. Adding minerals into your body is a definite plus.

Here's how to prepare and use an herbal footbath.

* Buy these four herbs that are high in minerals - alfalfa herb, parsley, horsetail herb, kelp herb. Buy 1-2 oz of each. This might cost you $10.00 or less

* Mix all 4 herbs

* Prepare an herbal infusion by boiling 2 - 3 cups of water. After boiling pull the water off the hot plate. Add 2 tablespoons of the mixed herbs. Let this mixture sit for 20 minutes. The longer you let this mixture sit the stronger the infusion will be.

* After 20 minutes, start your footbath and press the heat button

* Strain the herbal infusion using a strainer and a cloth so that no herbal particles are included in the tea infusion

* Add the infusion into the footbath

* Place you feet into the footbath for 20 - 30 minutes.

Use the footbath every other day for 30 days before going to bed. Then take a 7-day rest before you use another herbal mixture. If you want to treat a specific ailment, find the herbal mixture and use it in your footbath. Use it every other day for 30 days.

I have been using the footbath with herbs rich in minerals for 3 weeks and here's what I noticed.

* Improved sleep

* Less pain in my shoulder joint

* More energy

*Eyes see clearer longer though out the day

* Warmer hands and feet

The footbath spa that I'm using is the Homedics model JetSpaUltra. I like this unit because it has a jet stream action and bubbling. It has a button for heat and a rotator to do manicuring. I don't use the manicuring but you might. My daughter of 8 years likes play with these rotating items. And, it is easy to fill and clean.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist.

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