Check Your Colon Transient Time

Many doctors and others in the health field may tell you that it is ok not to have a bowel movement everyday. This really goes against common sense. If you eat every day, you should have a bowel movement everyday or 18 to 25 hours after you eat.

Your colon transient time is the time it takes the food you eat to travel from your mouth through your rectum. A healthy time is 18 to 25 hours. This time relates to how long the food you eat stays in your intestinal tract and colon. Food, fecal matter or chyme in your colon should not stay longer than 12 hours otherwise you have constipation. The other 12 hours, your food is in your stomach and small intestine.

Long-term constipation is responsible for the start of practically all body illnesses and diseases. For this reason keeping regular is critical for your health. Constipation leads to auto-toxicity or self-poisoning of your body. When toxins move into your blood stream instead of out of your body with the fecal matter, the liver and other body organs become overwhelmed and become sluggish. With a toxic colon, you will have a hard time keeping free of disease and you will find it very difficult to lose weight.

Slow moving fecal matter in the colon causes re-absorption of fats and cholesterol back into your blood stream and liver instead of out of the body. This can lead to a "fatty liver", which cannot digest fats properly and has to store them in its own cells, other organs, and body cells as pure fat.

Determining Your Transient Time.

Here's how to determine your transient time. First thing in the morning, drink one of the following drinks.

* one ounce of liquid chlorophyll, the juice of one lemon and 8 oz. of distilled water.

*or if you like beet juice, use 6-8 oz. of beet juice. You can buy the juice or make your own if you have a juicer.

Buy a small bottle of liquid chlorophyll that does not have peppermint added. The peppermint added has to strong of a taste for me. The cost is around $8.00

Check to see how long it takes to see green or red in your stools. This is your transient time. Average transient time is around 21 hours.

If your transient time exceeds 26 to 30 hours, then you have a mild case of constipation. If your transient time 31 to 36 you are constipated. If your transient time is 37 to 48 hour you have chronic constipation.

Check your transient time now. Go get a bottle of chlorophyll and do the transient time test, then use the chlorophyll for a morning green drink that I describe in another article.

Rudy Silva has a Physics degree from the University of San Jose California and is a Natural Nutritionist.

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