The Chevreul Pendulum - A Tool for Accessing Your Subconscious About Your Pain

The Chevreul pendulum is a simple device for communicating with the subconscious mind to learn what it thinks you can do to relieve your pain. Chances are good that you'll be able to use it, since about 90% of the people who try it are able to gain information from it about their pain.

The pendulum was first publicized in 1833 by a French chemist named Michel-Eugene Chevreul and ever since has been used to obtain simple answers from the subconscious--Yes, No, Maybe, and Don't Want To Answer--the only four responses it seems capable of giving.

How It's Used

During a telephone call with a facilitator, you can use the pendulum to generate visualization statements. These statements represent the specific language that your subconscious wants you to read back to it to help ease your pain. They're simple and are targeted directly at the main factors that could bring you relief.

The process is straightforward and can be done at home by working with a facilitator over the telephone. You you need no special skills and no previous experience in working with the subconscious.

What the Pendulum Consists Of

The pendulum has three parts:

• A personal object of yours such as a ring or pendant.

• A 12" piece of ordinary kite string (or a lightweight silver or gold chain necklace) attached to the personal object.

• A circular diagram with four axes drawn through it: Yes, on the vertical axis; No, on the horizontal axis; Maybe, on the diagonal axis running from upper left to lower right; and Don't Want to Answer, on the diagonal axis running from lower left to upper right. The diagram can be downloaded from the Web site mentioned at the end of this article. Click on the link, go to the Home page, and click on the Demonstration button. Then click on Step 1 and download the diagram.

How to Operate the Pendulum

• Sit at a kitchen or dining room table. Put the diagram in front of you and suspend the ring over the center of it (if you're using a chain necklace that's longer than 12", hold the chain about 12" away from the object). Do this with your elbow on the table and the knot of the string between your thumb and index finger (not middle finger) of your right hand if you're right-handed, left if you're left handed.

• Keeping your fingers very still, look at the center of the diagram and think "Yes." The pendulum will start to swing, moved by the subconscious mind (it does so by making micro movements of the muscles in your fingers). It's common for the pendulum to swing only a tiny bit.

• Notice which way the pendulum swings. If it swings up and down along the YES axis, you're fine. If it swings along some other axis, rotate the diagram until YES matches the way the pendulum is swinging.

Note: If the pendulum doesn't move, or goes in circles, wait 15 minutes and try again. If you still can't get results, try the next day.

• Think "No" and make sure the pendulum swings along the NO axis. Then do the same with "Maybe" and "Don't Want To Answer." Sometimes instead of moving the pendulum along the Don't Want to Answer axis the subconscious will send the pendulum in circles.

Once you have successfully learned to operate the pendulum, you can then ask it questions regarding your pain. For a sample list of questions, click on the link mentioned below and go to the Home page. Click on the Demonstration button, click on Step 3 and print the questions.

Ben Plumb is CEO and President of The Visualization Group, Inc. The company's service is delivered by people like himself who personally suffered from years of chronic pain, and used the visualization method described in this article to obtain relief when nothing else worked.

More Resources

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