Proper Medical Identification Could Save Your LIFE

Everyone with a medical condition or allergy should have a medical id alert bracelet. There are many places that you can find a wide variety of medical alert jewelry styles, especially on the internet. Most are custom-engraved, stainless steel medical ID bracelets or necklaces. Each one should be able to hold between four to six lines of medical information (for a variety of conditions, diseases, allergies) and engraved in red so the information is easy to read by emergency personnel.

Over 60 million Americans have a medical condition, which should be immediately known to Emergency Personnel. Diabetes, Alzheimer's symptoms and care, transplant surgery, mentally disabled, Patient's currently on Blood Thinners such as Coumadin, coronary heart disease, epilepsy, child safety, childhood asthma, Asthma allergy, individuals that are HIV positive or that have hepatitis, heart disease patients and cancer patients, children should have one for identification purposes, people who have drug allergies such as penicillin, codeine, antibiotics, bee stings or any other medications.

Medical id alert bracelets are designed to be noticed by trained personnel. Wear them for yourself and for your family and loved ones, with this valuable information your emergency worker will already be ahead of the game. Remember your medical id alert bracelet speaks when you can not!

Children especially should have the proper medical information on them at all times, (child safety) especially if they have a serious condition or drug allergy. Asthma allergy, Diabetes, Bee Sting Allergy, Hearing Impaired, or any other condition that medical personnel should know about when you can not be with your child. Children are active and we love to see them enjoy life and the happiness the can bring to others, so when you can not be there to give this vitally important information be sure their medical id alert bracelet can! Update the information as needed, the price of a new one is only a small price when weighed against the alternative. Also have multiple types, such as: Bracelet and Wallet card or both a bracelet and a necklace if active in sports when a necklace could cause injury.

We do hope this site has provided valuable insight into Medical alert jewelry and that if you do not have one yet, you will get one NOW!

My wife and I decided to publish this article because of the large number of children that we deal with everyday in our pharmacy/clinic setting. Many of these children have asthma allergies, medical conditions; such as childhood or bronchial asthma, diabetes or information that emergency personnel should know to effectively treat them in case of an emergency and do not have proper medical id on them. We hope that through this article we can raise the awareness to the importance of medical id alert bracelets for identification to everyone.

Please help us and tell your family, friends, and co-workers about this important emergency product. You will probably be amazed at the responses. Everything from "I haven't gotten around to ordering one yet", to "my mother is with me at all times so she doesn't need one." We have tried to give examples of situations in which a medical id bracelet could play an important role, and some medical conditions that are in serious need for proper identification in an emergency. (such as Alzheimer's Care in our graying society)

It is easier to understand how medical id alert tags can help in an emergency situation when explained by example. Therefore here are a few real life situations to think about.

  • When you are on vacation and not near your regular physician.

  • Your family member (with Alzheimer's) is at a day program and you are not with them. (Alzheimer's Care)

  • Child with bee sting allergy is at park with friends and gets stung.

  • Sports oriented child with asthma. (Childhood Asthma Allergy

  • Cerebral Palsy patient is rushed to hospital without caregiver.

  • Diabetic child at camp passes out from high blood sugar.

  • Child with severe food allergies spends the night with friends.

  • In accident while traveling and you are without your medical records.

  • Coronary heart disease

  • You or family member on blood thinners has another heart attack and (emergency personnel need to know this so they do not to give too much medication).

  • Person with Epilepsy is around those who do not know the symptoms.

  • Mentally challenged loved one who is not able to be with you 24 hours a day.

  • DNR wishes

  • Shunts for dialysis patients, warn of incapability of blood pressure/injections in that arm.

  • Who to contact for you if needed in any emergency situation and you are away from home.

Think about it, how would anyone know what medical conditions/allergies you have to begin to treat you. With proper medical id medical personnel have a head start, while you and your family know that you have a better chance now that you wear your medical id.

Hopefully now your are ready to get your Medical ID alert bracelet.

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