
Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine used for over 200 years. Introduced to America in the early 1800s, homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars ("like cures like"). Homeopathy is still used very effectively in patients around the globe.

Homeopathy is different from conventional medicine as it attempts to stimulate the body to heal itself. In homeopathy, signs of the body's attempt to heal itself could be as subtle as coughing through a cold; instead of suppressing our coughs, homeopathic remedies will cause the cough to be more productive. A natural medicine, homeopathy may be a beneficial alternative to conventional medicine. Homeopathy is also a form of orthomolecular medicine, as well.

Homeopathy focuses not only on the "health" of the physical person, but as well as the emotional and mental health of the person. Homeopathy is said to restore the person to not only health, but freedom, too. Conventional medicine controls the illness, whereby homeopathy tries to cure it. Homeopathy and homeopathic remedies are available to all for care of acute ailments in most retail outlets and pharmacies.

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