How to Hold Peoples Interest throughout those Long Copy Sales Letters

People tend to read your ads and sales letters in 2 different ways:

1. Word For Word

2. Skim through it and see if anything catches their eye

Which is the exact reason why you should incorporate at least 2 sub-headlines per page.

You see, many people will skim through your ad or sales letter because they may be short on time. But if something catches their eye, it will hook them back into your pitch.

So how do you generate sub-headlines?

Can you remember my suggestion in an earlier issue to write 30-50 headlines? Well, of course as a result of this, you can only choose 1 headline.

However, you'll find you have created a bundle of other ones you can use as sub-headlines.

Nothing will help you understand this like an example. So let me give you one:

Recently, I created a sales letter for one of my clients.

Here's the opening line (before the headline): Discover the fortune that lies hidden in your salary?

Here's the headline: "Here's A Quick And Easy Way To Get Started On YOUR Road To Real Estate Riches?"

And here are some of the sub-headlines...

Real Estate has been responsible for more millionaires over the last 60 years than any other form of investment!

It's a shame for you not to create financial freedom through Real Estate When These People Are Doing It So Easily

How the next 5 minutes can get you started on the road to financial freedom, so you can laugh at money worries in the years to come

Now think about it. If you were flicking through a sales letter and saw the headline:

"How the next 5 minutes can get you started on the road to financial freedom, so you can laugh at money worries in the years to come?"

There's a good chance it hook you back into the copy, isn't there?

Now I thought of the idea for every single one of these sub-headlines while in the process of writing the main one.

So make sure you get busy writing those headlines ;)

Scott Bywater
Copywriting That SELLS

1300 88 21 91 / + 61 2 9282 6445
Level 12 / 418a Elizabeth Street
Surry Hills, NSW, 2010

Scott Bywater is a professional direct response copywriter and the author of Cash-Flow Advertising. To get a complimentary copy of his special report '7 Ways To Increase Your Turnover... No Matter What The State Of The Economy' (valued at $29.95) and a free subscription to his "Copywriting Selling Secrets" ezine where you'll discover how to write ads and sales letters that make people line up and practically beg you to do business with them visit his web site at

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