Get your Creative Juices Flowing

Copyright 2005 Cherry Communications/Be Heard Solutions

The creative arts enhance our lives in countless ways. They make us think. They inspire us. They make us feel a part of something that goes beyond the same old work-a-day world. But too many people think they aren't the creative types - and she believes they are wrong.

Everyone is creative. The worst thing is the fear of creating: the anxiety about the empty page. We all have that beginner's mind every time we have to face the start of another project.

Most people just need to overcome the mental blocks and unleash the full potential of their minds.

One of the best ways to bring out your creativity is to do semi-mindless tasks. They allow your mind to wander, and can result in creative ideas and thinking.

May is Creative Beginnings Month, and in honor of the month, here's several ways to start getting the creative juices flowing:

1) Drive or ride in a vehicle.

2) Exercise.

3) Do routine tasks, such as house cleaning or gardening.

4) Take a shower or bath.

5) Take a nap.

6) Go for a walk.

7) Doodle.

Remember, people shouldn't dismiss any ideas that pop up while doing a mundane task. Knock that nay-sayer right off your shoulder. Don't let go of any idea that you get, even if it sounds silly at first.

Shannon Grissom is an acclaimed oil painter who has been nominated for an ARTV 2005 award, the first televised art awards show in the country. Grissom is the host and producer of the award-winning television show Give Your Walls Some Soul, where she shares tips and techniques about painting and creativity.Go to for more info.

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