Max Clear Acne
Author: Geoffrey Moni
There are many remedies for pimples and zits in the market today. Clear skin max is one of them. This product is made of naturally occurring ingredients and not chemical compounds. The product consists of 6 different types of applications for use on the kin. The product has gone through rigorous testing and analysis that ensures effective results.
The major benefit that this remedy has over other products is that it consists only in natural ingredients. In many chemical products always many side effects. For example, such compounds as benzoyl peroxide causes itching and irritation on the skin. However, such side effects are non existent in herbal remedies. This natural cure works by cleansing, cleaning and revitalizing skin that is affected by acne.
The products that contain benzoyl peroxide have always been the most reliable in treatment of skin breakouts. However, the compound causes such extensive side effects that make it unbearable. It is with this in mind that the max treatment was developed to offer an alternative remedy that is just as powerful, but having few side effects if any.
The main strategy of healing employed by this treatment is to offer a double action which tackles the skin condition from inside and outside. This means that it can get to the cause of the inflammations of the skin and clear out the external symptoms all at once.
The daily cleansing gel is the basic treatment which has the major ingredient of tea tree oil. This gel is meant to be used at least twice in a day. It has moisturizing properties that enable restoration of healthy, hydrated skin. The ingredients in this remedy are powerful enough to give results within twenty-four hours for mild cases.
The tea tree oil is reputed to have antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic and germicidal properties. This means that it can fight against the bacteria resident on the skin and also help to reduce inflammation on the skin.
An extract called bladderwrack is included in the ingredients of this product. It is effective in restoring elasticity of the skin. Another ingredient involved is the camomile extract which boosts regeneration of the cells of the skin, thus helping recovery and faster healing. The overall effect of this remedy would be to reduce inflammation on the skin, moisturize and regenerate the cells of the skin.
Using the gel as the base before applying the other products in this remedy, would ensure effective and complete healing of spots and blemishes.
About the Author
I am a freelance writer, blogger and Internet marketer. I enjoy writing about health and natural alternative remedies in our health care system. I have interest in meditation,reflexology, reiki and their values for improved health, wellness and a more fulfilled life.