What Have You Tried To Get Rid Of Your Acne?

By Louise Forrest

There are many things that people have tried with the aim of getting rid of their acne. These include using the juice from lemons, facial care kits, applying alcohol to the affected areas and even using baking soda also. But with modern medicine there are some good alternatives that are less dramatic and also have some pretty good results.

As you are probably aware acne appears when dead skin cells become blocked in the pores of the skin and this can happen at any stage in life but it is very common amongst teenagers between the ages of 12 and go beyond the age of 30.

It appears in people who are experiencing some form of hormonal changes and this also includes women who are pregnant, and this also extends to those that are also taking birth control pills or currently menstruating.

There are lots of other reasons for a person to develop acne and this can also include genes, in that if a person's parents both had acne that the chances that any children will also have acne are quite high.

The level of hormonal activity has already been discussed, and when the level of hormones are higher, this will cause the amount of oil production to increase, and so the breakout of acne is also likely to be higher too. So it is important to control the amount of excess oils that the skin is producing.

Another factor that is associated with acne appearing is that of stress. Although this alone does not cause acne it does release certain hormones and so the likelihood acne does increase. It is important that you learn to stay relaxed and this is best done doing some light exercise such as yoga or deep meditation. Deep breathing exercises are also very good in helping you to relax.

As well as yoga just going for a simple walk will be beneficial as this will get you outside, you will get some sunshine and the fresh air will also do you some good too.

There is a saying that you are what you eat and this is quite a good statement to make. Your diet is important and you need to make sure that you are eating a well balanced diet. Now you may have heard that you need to avoid junk foods such as burgers and chocolates. Whilst there is no proof to suggest that these cause acne, just eating these alone will not help your cause.

Such foods are generally highly toxic, and the more toxins your body has to deal with the greater the chance that you will develop a breakout of acne. You need to make sure that you are eating lots of fruits and vegetables and drinking lots of water, in order to give your body the required vitamins and minerals that it needs to also help it to function correctly. If your body is not able to eliminate toxins effectively then illness are likely to happen.

You also need to take care when it comes to caring for your skin and not to use beauty products that are not harsh or contain a lot of chemicals. Do not wash your face too often as this will lead to further issues and do not scrub away at your skin either.

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