Natural Medicine-Garlic & Cucumber

Author: William Sedillo

In recent years, more and more people would like to choice natural medicine when they have a trouble with ailment.

Garlic is very common in kitchen. It is classified as both a food and medicinal herb. It has been used all over the world for thousands of years. It is well known as a natural health remedy that has long been used to treat various ailments. It is a fantastic source of vitamin B6, as well as a very good source of selenium, manganese and vitamin C. Garlic is useful in daily life. It has so many health benefits in people's daily life, such as:

. Garlic has the ability to moderately lower our blood triglycerides and total cholesterol and reduce arterial plaque formation.

. Consuming fresh garlic regularly might help you avoid certain cancers as well.

. Consuming pill-size pieces of garlic every day also works great to protect the skin from damages caused by free radicals, oxidation, and environmental stressors that eventually results in wrinkles.

. Garlic is a great source of vitamin B6 which is needed for a healthy immune system and the efficient growth of new cells.

. Garlic has the ability to increase and improve circulation and it is thought that it can stir up passions

. The anti-bacterial properties of garlic are helpful in treating cough and other throat problems.

. Since garlic has proven to possess anti-inflammatory properties, it is useful in treating and relieving the painful psoriasis outburst.

. Garlic is a great source of vitamin B6 which is needed for a healthy immune system and the efficient growth of new cells.

. Eating garlic can act a calming agent because it is an effective nervine.

. Chemical compounds in garlic are thought to assist in reducing inflammation associated with various forms of arthritis.

. Garlic is considered to regulate blood sugar levels by increasing the release of insulin in diabetics.

In addition to garlic, other common herbs also are very useful in daily life. You might have often heard the phrase, 'Cool as a cucumber' used to refer to a person who does not show any heightened emotion in moments of extreme pressure. Cucumber is easy to grow. Varieties, varying in size, shape, and color, are cultivated all around the world. The skin of cucumber is very similar to watermelon, ranges from green to white. Inside, the flesh is pale green and very juicy. Fresh cucumbers are available throughout the season and can be eaten raw as is or in vegetable salads or juicing. In daily life, cucumber and cucumber juice both have so many health benefits, for example:

. Cucumber juice is diuretic, encouraging waste removal through urination; in this case, it also helps in the dissolution of kidney stones.

. Cucumbers are full of antioxidants - especially vitamins A, B, and C that boost immunity and give you more energy when you are feeling lethargic.

. Chewing cucumber gives the jaws a good workout, and the fiber in it is great for digestion.

. Cucumber helps you produce healthy red blood cells, strengthens your connective tissue and boosts your immune system.

. Cucumber is an excellent source of silica, which is known to help promotes joint health by strengthening the connective tissues.

. Due to its low calorie and high water content, cucumber is an ideal diet for people who are looking for weight loss.

. Cucumber juice has been considered to be very good for the teeth and gums problem.

. Cucumber seeds are also highly effective in expelling and killing the tapeworms present in our intestines.

. All that water in cucumber acts as a virtual broom, sweeping waste products out of your body.

. Cucumbers are commonly used as a beauty trick to help reduce puffiness around the eyes. In daily life, you can find a comfortable place to relax and set the cucumbers over your closed eyes for about 10 to 15 minutes.

. Cucumber is used as a natural facial mask that is good for improving skin health.

. Cucumbers are a good source of silica, which is known for joint health.

Cucumber is effective natural medicine in daily life. Of course, in addition to mention in above, there are many other herbs are available.

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