The Personality Traits of a Leo Baby

Your Leo Baby..

July 23 - August 22

Leo children are sunny, friendly personalities who love to be the centre of attention. They love parties and seem to have endless energy. Your young Leo will be more often on the move than still and will love playing games and joining in physical activities. A Leo child will be adventurous and can sometimes be reckless. Leos love parties and will be generous with possessions.

You will soon notice that your Leo baby will like to be waited on and Leo children dislike doing menial tasks. Leo girls may go through a tom-boy phase as they are happiest when doing something physical.

Leos need freedom in which to grow and experiment. Emotionally they can be turbulent and dramatic. A Leo child is trusting and needs plenty of love. Lies can be hurtful, even if they are flattering ones. There is a danger that Leos may become boastful and parents will need to watch for this from an early age. Young Leos should be encouraged to help around the home from an early age to ensure that they do not grow into little tyrants.

Leo children have a friendly nature that will endear them to everyone. Their warm-heartedness and generosity mean that you will need to teach your child how to handle money carefully.

The typical Leo child is healthy but prone to high fevers and accidents. A Leo will enjoy being fussed over in bed but this will soon wear off and she will be up again and on the go very quickly.

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