Babies & Toddlers Information

Potty Training Facts

Potty training, toilet training, toilet teaching or toilet learning are names frequently used to describe how kids learn to use the bathroom independently.Children who are potty training or ready to potty train will:

When To Move From Carseat To Booster

Under three, use a car seat. The guidelines for transporting infants and toddlers are deeply embedded in parental mantras.

Why Convertible Cribs Make Sense

Who doesn't love cool gadgets that morph into dozens of tools with a twist of the wrist. Finding baby equipment that grows with your child is like hitting the jackpot - particularly when it involves big ticket items.

The Baby Food Debate: The Benefits of Homemade Baby Food Over The Jars

Americans have long depended on jarred baby foods for convenient feeding. In the past few years more and more processed food options have entered the children's food market.

How To Choose a Baby Formula

Breast milk is the most natural food for your baby, but if you can't breastfeed, or have chosen not to, then learning how to choose a baby formula is relatively simple.You might try asking the pediatrician you have chosen to care for your baby, before the actual birth.

Unusual Baby Boy Names - Finding Exotic and Unique Baby Names

Unusual baby boy names and finding exotic and unique baby names can be loads of fun! Rather than giving your baby boy a name like Jacob, John or Harry -- you'd prefer him have one of the more exotic and unique baby names.There are several ways to find unusual baby boy names.

Steps To Dealing With Your Autistic Child

It is most unfortunate that many wonderful parents feel that they lack competence in dealing with their autistic child. It can be strange and depressing to feel like your normal maternal or fatherly instincts can be wrong when it comes with interacting with your own child.

The Baby Stroller- How To Choose

You will need to begin gathering the things your baby will need, now that you got the news that you are expecting a bundle of joy. You may feel overwhelmed if this is your first baby with all the decisions that need to be made.

The Baby Stroller- How To Choose

You will need to begin gathering the things your baby will need, now that you got the news that you are expecting a bundle of joy. You may feel overwhelmed if this is your first baby with all the decisions that need to be made.

How to Meet the Dietary Needs of Babies - Health, Palate, and Lifestyle

More and more studies are proving that food has a large impact on our overall health and may even determine which diseases and ailments we will get later in life. The more we are aware of the importance of our food choices the earlier we can teach and protect our children.

How to Choose a Baby Bathtub

Choosing a baby bathtub is likely one of the easiest decisions you'll have to make when it comes to acquiring supplies for the new arrival. Basically, if it holds water, you're all set.

Choosing a Personalized Baby Gift

Have you been invited to a baby shower or asked to be a godparent to a new arrival and have no idea what sort of gift to buy? Recently I was in a dilemma about buying presents for newborn twins. My first instinct was to buy identical gifts, but I suddenly realised that these were two individuals who should be encouraged to recognise their own unique personalities.

Baby Cribs - Safety Is Key

You have just learned that you are expecting a baby. Even if you have other children, you must take a look at cribs.

For Mother and Baby - What Do You Give? A Gift Basket of Course!

The choice for a baby or an infant gift can be a difficult one. One of the best baby or infant gifts that you can give is a gift basket.

Luxury Baby Bedding - What to Look For Before You Buy

When buying luxury baby bedding, perhaps first decide what style and fabric you like best. When you decide what luxury baby bedding you want, mix and match colors and patterns on your baby's bed.

Baby Products - Essential Baby Products, Which Ones Do I Really Need?

There are many essential baby products a new parent must purchase. Cribs, car seats, baby monitors, baby strollers, high chairs and clothing are all necessary to ensure your child's safety and comfort.

The Baby Crib: Your Child's First Bed

It is up to you as parents whether you want a baby crib to be your child's first bed or not. Some parents are proponents of "co-sleeping," in which a baby sleeps in bed with the parents, sometimes up to two or more years.

Perfect Baby Shower Hostess Gifts

Picture this; you are invited to a baby shower. How do you show your appreciation for the hostess who had put the whole affair together? By giving her thank you gifts.

Baby Shower Checklist for Planning a Baby Shower

Most shower checklists will suggest you start planning approximately four weeks before the intended shower date. This will give you enough time to do everything you need to without feeling rushed.

5 Best Free Child Games for Your Preschooler

There seems to be more and more pressure on parents these days to enrol their pre school children in all sorts of innovative learning programs. There are music and swimming classes, craft centres and activities to promote movement, motor skills or sporting ability.

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