Babies & Toddlers Information

Fussy Eaters

The experts often tell us that in order to ensure that our little ones are instilled with the correct knowledge so that they can learn to understand food and police there own diets, we have to be rigid and sustained in the healthy products we feed them. But what are the main rules when it comes to creating your child's diet? The following points were taken from the American Academy of Paediatrics and the UK NHS guidelines on childhood nutrition, and have been specifically chosen for their relevance to parents of fussy toddlers.

Baby Yoga and Me

Having carried a sizable bump around for a very long, very hot summer, I really wasn't in the mood for a work out.As Gwyneth Paltrow and all of my other coat-hanger thin celebrity peers snaked their way, all skin and bone about the tabloids, I scowled and knew that, even if the mood did ever take me as I sat covered in powered milk, I would just never have the time to get back in shape now that I always had my baby in toe.

Protecting Your Baby and Toddler from the Sun

Babies and young children have thinner and more delicate skin than adults. Afterall, our skin has had a lot more years of conditioning to the outside world.

Real Nappies (Cotton Nappies) or Disposables - The Debate

I'm sure you have heard some of the debate surrounding real nappies, whether you should use them, the environmental impact of disposables and so on. Well, this short summary provides, what I believe to be, a balanced view of the pros and cons of real nappies.

Baby Sunglasses

It might appear to be sufficient to apply some high factor suncream on your little ones and then head off into the sunshine, but do you give much thought for your baby's eyes?I know from experience with our 10 months old boy that he hates the sun shining in his eyes. It tends to make him sneeze and he screws his eyes up and gets quite distressed.

How to Find Those Elusive Baby Gifts That Are Just Right

Baby Gifts from gift certificates to very expensive toys. Something for every budget and taste.

Etiquette for Baby Shower

Etiquette for baby shower used to be quite rigid, but rules have relaxed in the past several years. Etiquette is a word that strikes fear in the heart of many party planners.

On the Road Again

Just like Willy Nelson, I could not wait to get on the road again.After five years of marriage my husband and I had traveled to France, Florida, Missouri, Georgia, and the Caribbean.

Make Your Baby Shower a Success with the Perfect Table Setting Decorating Idea

The perfect table setting decorating idea will be determined by three main things. First, by where the shower is being held.

Raising Baby On The Cheap

Have you ever read those reports on the cost of raising a child?The last time I checked, I was told that it would cost the astronomical figureof $430,470 to raise my baby..

What Foods Should I Avoid While Breastfeeding?

Women in our culture are sometimes advised to avoid spicy or "gassy" foods when nursing. Or they are told that chocolate, citrus, carbonated beverages or dairy causes problems in all nursing babies.

Free Baby Shower Invitations

Free baby shower invitations are the best! Everyone knows that the best things in life are free. The best baby shower invitations are also free! There are many places that you can go on the Internet to find free invitations for your baby shower.

Baby Massage: A Cure for Colic

Colic hurts. Any parent who has an affected child will know that there is almost no pain like it - the physical and vocal response to the problem can be highly tiring and its very difficult to stand by and cope as a parent.

A Birth Announcement That Is Both Practical and Sentimental

The best birth announcement is both practical and sentimental. Welcome your new baby into the world in a very special way.

The Reflux / Asthma Connection

Most babies and kids with reflux will have typical symptoms of reflux (spitting up or vomiting, excessive crying and irritability, etc) but some do not express any outward symptoms. They are referred to as having silent reflux.

How to Protect Your Baby from SIDS

What do These Things Have in Common: An Epidemic of Baby Deaths in 1890, An Ambassador's Sudden Illness, Swamp Gas, and Old Mattresses?The Answer Could Save Your Baby's Life!All of these are clues which have brought scientists to the startling answer to the question, "Why do babies die of SIDS?"For unknown reasons, parents of healthy babies wake only to find to their horror, their babies have died in the night. This was called Crib Death in the U.

Playing With Food Words: Teaching Mindfulness to Preschoolers

The most powerful way to instill a love for language and an awareness of health in young children is to help them use specific words as cues for mindfulness. Mindfulness is simply paying attention, noticing new things, drawing distinctions, and shifting perspectives.

IQ, Intelligence, and Brain Development- Another Breastfeeding Benefit

Modern parents want to do everything they can to help their children's brain development. Never before have there been so many products and books sold that claim to help parents stimulate their baby's brain, assist in brain development, and give baby an intelligence "edge".

Baby Product Recall

Products are recalled all the time for posing a danger to the people who use them. Even large, established companies have to make massive recalls, and when this happens we all notice.

Baby Shower Gift for Dads

Gift for Dads:The mom is always on the limelight when she is pregnant. Poor Dad! He is also excited as mom.

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