Caring New Born - An Overwhelming And Life's Biggest Challenge

Having a new baby is a wonderful experience and at the same time caring new born is overwhelming. There are many comfortable and safe ways to carry a baby. Always support your baby's head and neck under forearms as they cannot lift their head.

Caring new born involves the cleaning of umbilical cord stump with alcohol after every diaper change. Parents wonder when this will fall off. Umbilical cord is connected to the placenta and your baby at the belly button area (navel). After the birth the cord is cut and covered with clamps.

Care of umbilical has to be taken to prevent the infection until it falls off by itself. Dip a cotton swab or cotton ball in alcohol and move it around the bottom of the cord where it is attached to the navel. It has to fall off within 1 to 3 weeks after the birth.

New born usually eat for every three to four hours, some even feed for every two hours. As breast-fed babies can digest fast they need to be fed more frequently than the bottle-fed young ones.

Baby crying is a sort of communication between the mother and the baby. They usually cry when they are hungry, wet, tired, and lonely, bored and have to burp.

A mother quickly understands what the baby needs. Responding to a baby will simply build the relationship between the child and mother instead of spoiling the child.

Many things can be done to make a crying baby calm. By holding a baby over ones shoulders will make him calm down. Also by placing stomach of the baby across the knees or by wrapping the baby in blankets will do the trick.

Sleep is an essential thing to the new born. Normally a baby can sleep for 16 to 20 hours a day. The American Academy Pediatrics suggested that the healthy full-term babies sleep on their backs in order to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Trim the nails of the infants during their first days of life with blunt edge scissors or file with an emery board to prevent scratching. The nails should be cut slightly across.

Bathing your baby will be a fun and you can enjoy doing it. Until the cord is fallen off give the sponge bath. After that, the tub baths can be given. While bathing, the water should be little warm.

Support the head and neck of the baby while bathing. Don't use the soap on the face. Bathing should be done before feeding or after one hour after feeding the baby.

Diapers have to be changed when the baby is wet or soiled. Wash and pat dry after each bowel movement and wetting. For girls, gently wash from front to back by separating the folds with a clean wash cloth.

Wash the penis, folds near the scrotum and creases in boys. The foreskin of the uncircumcised baby should not be pushed back.

Hence, Caring newborn is life's biggest challenge but soon you will be able to know their needs and how to soothe them. Visit New Born Baby Zone

About Author

Neelima Reddy, author of this article writes for
The New Born Baby blog published information on various aspects required for taking care of new born like newborn health and disorders, Baby sleep aspects, Toddler care, Baby gifts, Baby toys, Baby furniture, Baby care center, etc. Visit:

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