Copywriting Information

11 Things You MUST Know Before Hiring a Copywriter!

If you're considering hiring copywriting help for your next brochure, Web site, or marketing project. Congratulations! You should get great results if you hire a pro to do it right.

Kick-Start Your Juices

Listen, consider this scenario.You have a deadline to honour.

Can Honest Copywriting Succeed?

I confess--I'm a marketing heretic! I've built my career on breaking all the rules--and one of the rules I break is that I don't hype.Do I put the best possible "spin" on the truth? Of course! But I refuse to deceive my readers into action.

3 Reasons why Content is Still King

Back in the late nineties, the phrase 'Content is King' was repeated and repeated and repeated by site owners and marketers alike. The belief was that the more content you had, the greater the number of visitors you would attract.

Fill Your Readers with Confidence

Site visitors generally stay with you for as long as they feel confident that they will succeed in achieving their goal. It's a simple truth, but important.

The Write Way To Grow Your Business

Hone your writing skills to project a more professional business image.The sales letter you can't put down?the advertising copy that makes you want the product?the resume that prompts you to call the job candidate this second?All these are examples of exceptional business writing.

Step One for Copywriters: Understand WHAT to Say

Find a passage of poorly written copy, and chances are you will have found a copywriter who never figured out what it was that he or she was trying to say. Whenever I have trouble with some copy, I stop, sit back and then write at the very top of the page.

Welcome Informed Criticism of Your Work

When you come to 'know' something, there is a temptation to stop thinking about it. You put it in a box as 'known' and are happy to argue with anyone who disagrees.

Dont Be Satisfied With Your First Draft

Sometimes it's a struggle to figure out what's the best thing to say. You're writing a heading, the first sentence of an email, the introduction to a newsletter, a short description on a homepage.

Four Things Every Web Site Headline Must Do

As you know, I'm constantly making the point that the text on web sites is not given enough attention. Which is unfortunate, because the headlines on site pages make huge demands on the skills of any writer.

3 Ways to Increase Conversion Rates

In a previous article I talked about a few similarities between writing direct mail packages and writing web sites. In short, I concluded that as online writers we could learn a lot from direct marketers.

How to Write Profitable Ads

Regardless of how you look at it, the most important aspect ofany successful business is its advertising. In fact,the success of any business is largely dependent on good advertising.

10 Keys to Copy That Sells!

Whether you're selling a product or service, the 10 tips below are your keys to writing great copy that communicates and persuades ..

Help, Help, Help, Sell

Here's a fundamental difference between copywriting offline and copywriting for the web..

Writing Online In Two Syllables or Less

About once a month I fly off somewhere to give a one-day workshop on writing for the web. For part of the day, I invite the group to take part in a series of short tasks.

More Resources

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