Crystal Healing - Do Crystal and Gemstone Healing Therapies Really Work?

Crystals and gemstones have been valued for centuries for their beauty and also for their healing powers. It is believed that the ancient Egyptians were advanced crystal healers.

There is the school of thought that exists that these Egyptian healers may have obtained their advanced knowledge in the use of crystals in the healing arts from their predecessors, the people of Atlantis.

They knew that through stimulation of subtle vibrational frequencies in the human energy field, or aura, healing could occur in humans and animals. When certain stones were placed on the body in key areas and allowed to remain there for a short period of time, the person receiving the treatment got better.

Modern day acupuncturists understand this concept and use acupuncture needles to stimulate some of the very same areas that the Egyptian healers used to place their healing stones.

By placing crystals and gemstones in the proximity of certain chakras, meridians and other energy points, blockages become cleared and healing is facilitated.

People often experience a feeling of tingling or vibration in the areas that the crystals and gemstones are placed on their body during a crystal healing session.

Old memories and fears may flood into their minds momentarily, and then suddenly be released. Some people feel pains easing, muscles relaxing, stiffness of joints and bones easing, and a feeling of peace, calmness and clarity gently overcoming them.

During a crystal healing session it is not unusual for a person receiving a treatment to re-experience an old trauma, as if the repressed memory of it has re-surfaced as it is exiting the aura or energy field, and the physical body simultaneously.

When a person releases an old, blocked emotional or physical injury this way, they get a chance to see the past situation through different eyes than when they originally experienced it. Perhaps they are older now, or have grown wiser, so now they can finally examine what happened in the past, and hopefully have the necessary tools to process that old trauma, and let it go for good.

It is surprising how much physical pain can be tied to old emotional hurts. By releasing them and letting them go in this way, some people find that they have a new lease on life.

Since this type of therapy is considered unconventional, a person may suffer with a problem for many years before finding a way to successfully deal with it.

Counseling and psychological therapy has often been the only option for some people, and it can sometimes take years to work through an issue that might be released through an afternoon with a good crystal healing practitioner.

Crystals and gemstones can be used to align the energy bodies, bringing balance to the physical, emotional, mental and the spiritual lives of individuals. This allows people to find relief from long-standing ailments rather quickly where other conventional treatments have been unsuccessful.

Obviously, this type of treatment is something that must be experienced to be believed. As with anything out-of-the ordinary, you will always have skeptics who question the validity of this type of healing modality.

However, if you have been suffering from something that you have been unsuccessful in treating, you may want to seriously consider this relaxing, non-invasive, safe alternative treatment.

Copyright © 2005 Sherry Sims

Sherry Sims has spent the last 20 years assisting people as a professional psychic, intuitive counselor, energy healer and teacher. Helping people to resolve personal and relationship issues has been at the core of her work. She gently assists her clients to accept their true power which allows them to begin taking control of their lives through healing, awareness, and self-love.

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