Rat Race Blues E-book Review

RAT RACE BLUES: How To Break The Stranglehold
Darlene Arechederra
DAR N-Centives
25 Della, Fenton, MO 63026, 636-343-5495
October 2002, ISBN: None, Format: E-book
92 pages, $16.95

Rat Race Blues is a beautifully designed and easy to navigate e-book with valuable strategies for living the life you want and deserve. This e-book begins with an analogy that most of us can understand: comparing our lives to a merry-go-round. How many of us spend our days overworking, overspending, frustrated and feeling like we can never get ahead? We work harder to pay the bills, overspend in response to the stress and work harder to pay for the overspending. On and on it goes. Darlene Arecheddera offers readers a way to get off the merry-go-round, improve their lives and reduce their stress.

This e-book is not about budgeting or finding yet another part-time, work at home job to accelerate bill paying. It is not about which credit card to pay off first - although it does cover that issue. This e-book is about living within the income you make without working dozens of hours of overtime unless you really want to. It's about reducing stress, analyzing what it costs you to work and breaking down what you owe and what you own. Filled with worksheets and examples, Rat Race Blues helps readers make calculations, offers suggestions and provides examples that make you look at your money in a completely different way.

Early in the e-book we are introduced to Marcy and Paul, a married couple working too hard and spending too much. Marcy discovers the techniques taught by Rat Race Blues and begins to apply them to her life. Later, her husband Paul sees the change these techniques make in Marcy's life and he begins to use them as well. The story of Marcy and Paul keeps us entertained and engaged while learning how to live better within our means. We learn along with Marcy and Paul how to save rather than spend and in return gain a new respect and appreciation for the money we work so hard to earn.

This e-book is appropriate for anyone caught on the merry-go-round of modern life. It offers clever money saving strategies and encourages readers to keep a small notebook of expenditures, goals, lists, etc. I started my "Life Book" as the notebook is called the day after finishing Rat Race Blues and found $200.00 in unnecessary expenditures from this month's income. I thought of new ways to save money and began calculating how little I could actually spend every week. For an investment of $16.95 readers will find ways to save hundreds of dollars every year while reducing the number of hours they work. Rat Race Blues is a life changing e-book that everyone should read.

About The Author

Bonnie Jo Davis is a Virtual Assistant and the author of the e-book "Articles That Sell." For more information about Bonnie visit http://www.DavisVirtualAssistance.com.

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